Can a moderator kindly comment


1. Under the recent changes to MQL4 / Code Base I cannot find way to edit and update past published MT4 indicator, scripts or EAs.

2. The MT4 My Own folder is no more.

3. If I click Show All I am taken to a Hybrid MT5 / MT4 portal

4. If I click on a published indicator no edit function is available, only - Submit Your Code.

4. Although directed to the MT5 / MT4 Hybrid while logged under MT4 Username any further action requires a re-login.

5. If now re-login with my MT4 Username the MY Own folder is empty.

The question is:

How and where do I edit and update past published MT4 indicator, scripts or EAs.


1. Under the recent changes to MQL4 / Code Base I cannot find way to edit and update past published MT4 indicator, scripts or EAs.

2. The MT4 My Own folder is no more.

3. If I click Show All I am taken to a Hybrid MT5 / MT4 portal

4. If I click on a published indicator no edit function is available, only - Submit Your Code.

4. Although directed to the MT5 / MT4 Hybrid while logged under MT4 Username any further action requires a re-login.

5. If now re-login with my MT4 Username the MY Own folder is empty.

The question is:

How and where do I edit and update past published MT4 indicator, scripts or EAs.

Ask MQ Service Desk located in your profile page at


Ask MQ Service Desk located in your profile page at

Been there, bought the T-shirt. It reads - WALL OF SILENCE (all other questions answered)

This is not a technical question and a question any Moderator can answer unless a WALL OF SILENCE has been imposed.


Been there, bought the T-shirt. It reads - WALL OF SILENCE.

This is not a technical question and a question any Moderator can answer unless a WALL OF SILENCE has been imposed.

Write directly to the admin at, Rosh, Stringo, ... uh, that's all I know. They're Russian and speak Russian, so use understandable simple Engrish.


Write directly to the admin at, Rosh, Stringo, ... uh, that's all I know. They're Russian and speak Russian, so use understandable simple Engrish.

Thanks for reply, however..........................

This is not a technical question and a question any Moderator can answer unless a WALL OF SILENCE has been imposed. Are you the / a Moderator ?


Write directly to the admin at, Rosh, Stringo, ... uh, that's all I know. They're Russian and speak Russian, so use understandable simple Engrish.

Thanks for reply, however..........................

This is not a technical question and a question any Moderator can answer unless a WALL OF SILENCE has been imposed. Are you the / a Moderator ?

Nope, I'm not a moderator.

AFAIK, forum moderators is selected from users like us, so they are not MetaQuotes employee and so they have no idea what happen in code base section. That's why is better to ask the admin themselves.

" they have no idea what happen in code base section. That's why is better to ask the admin themselves."

Thanks for answers. The fairies might buy above. I don't. No further discussion required.

Nope, I'm not a moderator.

Can a Moderator kindly respond.
file45: Are you the / a Moderator ?
  1. Does it say moderator under the Avatar like this one?
  2. Moderator's have no additional capabilities (other than ban people or edit/delete other peoples posts.) They are not Metaquotes.
  1. Does it say moderator under the Avatar like this one?
  2. Moderator's have no additional capabilities (other than ban people or edit/delete other peoples posts.) They are not Metaquotes.

Thanks for info. As you are not a Moderator no further discussion required.
Thanks for info. As you are not a Moderator no further discussion required.

I can only say the same as onewithzachy and WHRoeder. Why do you ignore their advice ?

No further discussion required.

WALL OF SILENCE has been imposed.