MetaTrader 4 Build 600 with Updated MQL4 Language and Market of Applications Released - page 51


So far I tried to get along somehow with this new update. Today the situation changed drastically.

I simply cannot start the 509 build for a minute, anything I do it shuts down itself and updates to 610.

I spent hours this afternoon to protect, disable, block, anything with the older build.

Could someone in charge please explain how the hell are developers supposed to do anything with this

great bug-filled backward compatibility? Can I block metaquotes update servers, adresses or IPs please?

This is a new kind of ridicilous nonsense, I am pissed off that I spent another two weeks trying to make

out something of this. Great job in the garage, somebody please fire the whole company and get a

new management who possibly heard of how should business be done.

I simply don't have the resources to waste on this chaos.


So far I tried to get along somehow with this new update. Today the situation changed drastically.

I simply cannot start the 509 build for a minute, anything I do it shuts down itself and updates to 610.

I spent hours this afternoon to protect, disable, block, anything with the older build.

Could someone in charge please explain how the hell are developers supposed to do anything with this

great bug-filled backward compatibility? Can I block metaquotes update servers, adresses or IPs please?

This is a new kind of ridicilous nonsense, I am pissed off that I spent another two weeks trying to make

out something of this. Great job in the garage, somebody please fire the whole company and get a

new management who possibly heard of how should business be done.

I simply don't have the resources to waste on this chaos.

  • Why trying to keep build 509 if you don't have the skills to do it ?
  • Most of ex4 compiled with build 509 are working well with build 6xx.
  • If you need to change the code and recompile, and you can't manage the changes in new mql4 so quickly, then you only have to use MetaEditor 509 and use the ex4 with the new build.

So far I tried to get along somehow with this new update. Today the situation changed drastically.

I simply cannot start the 509 build for a minute, anything I do it shuts down itself and updates to 610.

1) I spent hours this afternoon to protect, disable, block, anything with the older build.

Could someone in charge please explain how the hell are developers supposed to do anything with this

2) great bug-filled backward compatibility? Can I block metaquotes update servers, adresses or IPs please?

3) This is a new kind of ridicilous nonsense, I am pissed off that I spent another two weeks trying to make

out something of this. Great job in the garage, somebody please fire the whole company and get a

new management who possibly heard of how should business be done.

I simply don't have the resources to waste on this chaos.

1) Don't spend hours. Allot of people on this forum have already done it. Contact one of them.

2) What bugs? This post is for bug reports ... Please save the rest-of-us your ranting.

3) Calm down ... There are more beautiful things to life then pissed at trading platform.

.... more ranting ....

If you continue to post rants instead of [ constructive / trying to help fix ] comments, I'll be forced to remove them as off topic.

Thank you for your understanding.


#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_minimum -1 
#property indicator_maximum  6

with build 600+ is it possible to dynamically assign values to 'indicator_minimum' and 'indicator_maximum' ?

My desire is to dynamically change the size of a window depending upon the number of text lines available for display.


My MetaTrader automatically updated to Version 4.00 Build 610 and MetaEditor to Version 5.00 Build 887.

I compile my previous written and tested codes of some scripts and get no errors, but they do not work on terminal window.

How can I solve the problem? Why this happened?

I prefer to get back my working scripts rather than giving some updates.

Try the following:

Use a copy of the old compiler (from your backup) and compile your codes with that.

Download the old compiler and compile your codes with that. (if you don't have backup).

If that doesn't work ... try showing your codes ... it may need modification.


Try the following:

Use a copy of the old compiler (from your backup) and compile your codes with that.

Download the old compiler and compile your codes with that. (if you don't have backup).

If that doesn't work ... try showing your codes ... it may need modification.

Thanks for your answer ubzen.

I do not have a backup.

Which old version do you think can solve the problem?


Thanks for your answer ubzen.

I do not have a backup.

Which old version do you think can solve the problem?

Search for Built 509 compiler on the web.

Dear Sirs,

I am in DESPERATE and I mean DESPERATE need of help. Since the upgrade, the MT4 Memory per platform has jumped up from ±140,000K with 10 charts open, to >460,000K with only 6 charts running and on the second platform to 149,000K with only ONE chart running. I do not run EAs in case you think that it may be the reason.

Secondly, every single time I close the platform, it rewrites another file in the directory and I cannot have access per individual Template base just as one example.

I have had some indicators "touched up" by expert coders so that it will work on 604 and in one case 610, but the weirdest thing is that the same indicator does not show up on my template and yet if I open a clean chart and put it on, it works.

Please can someone help? I am an experienced guy with 14 years of trading experience, so don't treat me as if I am new to either MT4 or trading for that matter.

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thanking you in advance.


Dear Sirs,

I am in DESPERATE and I mean DESPERATE need of help. Since the upgrade, the MT4 Memory per platform has jumped up from ±140,000K with 10 charts open, to >460,000K with only 6 charts running and on the second platform to 149,000K with only ONE chart running. I do not run EAs in case you think that it may be the reason.

Secondly, every single time I close the platform, it rewrites another file in the directory and I cannot have access per individual Template base just as one example.

I have had some indicators "touched up" by expert coders so that it will work on 604 and in one case 610, but the weirdest thing is that the same indicator does not show up on my template and yet if I open a clean chart and put it on, it works.

Please can someone help? I am an experienced guy with 14 years of trading experience, so don't treat me as if I am new to either MT4 or trading for that matter.

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thanking you in advance.


For the first issue it's difficult to say, what's running on this 6 or 10 charts ? Which MT4 build is it ?

Your second issue isn't very clear. If you can place an indicator on a chart, you can then save your template, not ?


with build 600+ is it possible to dynamically assign values to 'indicator_minimum' and 'indicator_maximum' ?

My desire is to dynamically change the size of a window depending upon the number of text lines available for display.

I don't think something has changed for that.