maximal parameters for icustom()



i get the error message wrong parameters count because i think i have to many parameters in the icustom function, does somebody know how many parameters are maximal allowed?

I am trying to call the icustom function here with over 60 parameter settings.



i get the error message wrong parameters count because i think i have to many parameters in the icustom function, does somebody know how many parameters are maximal allowed?

I am trying to call the icustom function here with over 60 parameter settings.

From here:

"Amount of passed parameters is limited and cannot exceed 64."

the 64 is the total number, not just the ones in your Indicators externs . . .

And if my indicator have now more then 64 settings, how can i call it then with icustom() function?
And if my indicator have now more then 64 settings, how can i call it then with icustom() function?
You can by using the default value externs in the Indicator, then there is no need to specify any of them in the iCustom() call.
My indicator have more then 64 settings and i normaly wanted to call the indicator with icustom from a EA.
Good thank you for the info, so there is also no trick how it can be done.
I edited my post . . .
I edited my post . . .

I think what you mean is to call the indicator with icustom but no parameters, i know that it work so, but i want to make the indicator settings toghter with the EA and i need to write then all settings to the icustom parameters

I think what you mean is to call the indicator with icustom but no parameters, i know that it work so, but i want to make the indicator settings toghter with the EA and i need to write then all settings to the icustom parameters
Then you need to reduce the number of parameters.
alright thank you for the infos.