MetaTrader 4 Build 574 with Updated MQL4 Language and Market of Applications Released - page 2


Press F1 and you will see mql4.chm file.

New version of online MQL4 documentation will be published after release.

I was asking about a beta version not the release version. Online not in application . . . but taking the chm help, start(), init() and deinit() are not documented, they are not listed as Obsolete so should still be documented.

Is anything going to be done with the Object vs Object terminology ? isn't this a recipe to cause confusion ? how do I delete an object ?

Creating and Deleting Objects

After a mql4 program is loaded for execution, memory is allocated to each variable according to its type. According to the access level all variables are divided into two types - global variables and local variables. According to the memory class they can be input parameters of a mql4 program, static and automatic. If necessary, each variable is initialized by a corresponding value. After being used a variable is unintialized and memory used by it is returned to the MQL4 executable system.


ObjectDelete() ?


The function removes the object with the specified name at the specified chart. There are two variants of the function:

By the way, unintialized is spelt incorrectly, there is a missing i uninitialized

Is the format of the .hst files changing ? I assume it is, if not where is spread and volume going to come from for OnCalculate, if it is how will existing compiled .ex4s that write offline charts work ? will they still work as intended ?
Is the format of the .hst files changing ? I assume it is, if not where is spread and volume going to come from for OnCalculate, if it is how will existing compiled .ex4s that write offline charts work ? will they still work as intended ?


Check the new version of PeriodConverter.mq4 from build 574.



So this means that existing compiled ex4s that read and write .hst files will probably no longer function as intended ? I thought there was a promise that existing .ex4s would still work ? or perhaps I am misunderstanding the situation ?

Will there be spread and real_volume predefined variables so this can be read from start() or OnTick(), etc. or is the only option CopySpread() and CopyRealVolume() ? spread and real_volume predefined variables are not currently included in the chm help file.
HST format is not documented and only for our service.
HST format is not documented and only for our service.
So what is the function of FileOpenHistory() if not to access .hst files, both reading and writing ?
Renat: Press F1 to see mql4.chm file. New version of online MQL4 documentation will be published after release.
Thanks. Pressing F1 within Meta-Editor gives me the User Guide. Following the Menu. Help->MQL4 Reference brings up the Mql4 stuff.

If you guys are still interested in bugs and suggestions, I found one today.

My simple script below generates a Class location of the Memory-Leak within mt5 but not within mt4.

void OnStart(){
    CLeak* MemoryLeak = new CLeak;

class CLeak{
        bool DummyValue;
        CLeak(){}; //Constructor
        ~CLeak(){}; //Destructor
        void SetDummyValueTrue();

void CLeak::SetDummyValueTrue(){

Try to add following line at the end of OnStart function.

delete MemoryLeak;