64 bit MT5 build 858 locking up... - page 3


Yes I use 871 for more than a week and did not have any serious issues with the previous versions.

Mmmm... well, that is interesting. Thanks again for your input into this thread...
Do you have the possibility to test on an other computer ?
Hi - I've actually tested this setup on my development computer and multiple VPS instances (both 32 bit and 64 bit) with the same results. That is with Experts loaded however. I've only tested an MT5 instance without Experts on my development machine. Are you thinking multiple MT5 installs without Experts on VPS machines as well?
Hi - I've actually tested this setup on my development computer and multiple VPS instances (both 32 bit and 64 bit) with the same results. That is with Experts loaded however. I've only tested an MT5 instance without Experts on my development machine. Are you thinking multiple MT5 installs without Experts on VPS machines as well?
Yes, but it's only an idea, to try to identify the problem. Not sure it's useful.
Yes, but it's only an idea, to try to identify the problem. Not sure it's useful.

Mmmm.. could be worth a shot. Might try a couple of other things first though - only other machines I could use would be VPS's and VPS's cost money! :)

One thought I did have was that the reason nothing was showing in the logs is probably because when MT5 crashes, the log buffers wouldn't get written out.  So am going to to try MT5 over this coming evening with the MarketWatch window open (to generate traffic and provide a time) and the Journal tab displayed. This way, I should be able to tell when MT5 crashes and hopefully match that up with something in the Journal log tab...


Yes I use 871 for more than a week and did not have any serious issues with the previous versions.

Hi ugo58,

This might seem like a strange question but how many orders would you normally have open at any one time? The reason I ask is that I normally have a minimum of 10. Last Friday however, I used my usual MT5 configuration but as a test, closed all the orders - MT5 didn't crash for that day (it normally crashes at least once a day).... Could have been a fluke but....???

I have seen 10 but this more the maximum. Usually there between 4 and 8 trades at the same time open.
I have seen 10 but this more the maximum. Usually there between 4 and 8 trades at the same time open.

Ah - interesting stuff! Might be onto something here... Will carry on testing this week with combinations of no positions and lots of positions and see if I can determine if there's some sort of "crash" pattern...

Thanks for your response! 



Well, at this stage my suspicions seem to be (semi) confirmed. If MT5 (build 858 or later) is left running with multiple charts, open MarketWatch window etc but with NO PLACED POSITIONS, it runs fine - in fact I had it running for 2 days solid without any issues. However, if I start with a completely clean MT5 (i.e. no charts open etc) and open 10 positions, it crashes at least once day. If I open 20 positions, it seems to crash every few hours.

Would someone else be able to confirm this - i.e. attempt to run MT5 on a demo account for several days with 20+ positions open and see if it crashed/freezes/locks up during this time? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated and will hopefully convince MetaQuotes that I have actually found a genuine issue with the later builds of MT5.

Oh, and if you do want to try the above test, please remember that a Symbol must be "shown" in the MarketWatch window before a position can be placed on it (something that caught me out. :) )



Well, at this stage my suspicions seem to be (semi) confirmed. If MT5 (build 858 or later) is left running with multiple charts, open MarketWatch window etc but with NO PLACED POSITIONS, it runs fine - in fact I had it running for 2 days solid without any issues. However, if I start with a completely clean MT5 (i.e. no charts open etc) and open 10 positions, it crashes at least once day. If I open 20 positions, it seems to crash every few hours.

Would someone else be able to confirm this - i.e. attempt to run MT5 on a demo account for several days with 20+ positions open and see if it crashed/freezes/locks up during this time? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated and will hopefully convince MetaQuotes that I have actually found a genuine issue with the later builds of MT5.

Oh, and if you do want to try the above test, please remember that a Symbol must be "shown" in the MarketWatch window before a position can be placed on it (something that caught me out. :) )

I can try to help you here. But I cannot keep the MT5 open for more than few hours. I will open 20 positions and see what happens after some hours.

Good luck.


I can try to help you here. But I cannot keep the MT5 open for more than few hours. I will open 20 positions and see what happens after some hours.

Good luck.

Thanks heaps for your help Candles. I've found that MT5 crashes/freezes at least 4-5 times per 24 hours with 20+ positions open - hopefully a crash/freeze occurs while you've got MT5 open. :) And obviously feel free to open more that 20 positions. I get the feeling at the moment that the more open positions, the more often MT5 freezes/crashes. Today I'm going to try MT5 with a position on every available Symbol and see if it crashes/freezes more often...