following a signal on cent account - 100x times too small trades

im following a signal on a cent account - but unfortunately the conversion rate is 1;1 instead 1:100. i get cents instead dollars. How do i fix the conversion rate? its a paid signal so ever minute is a loss! please help. i have 15000 eurocents on that account and signal has 7000 usd. i could subscribe 2nd time paying 2nd time on a second broker (non nano). Im always saying there are too man limitations and many bad blockades on signal subscribtion.... HOW do i fix this?
anyone? is it even possible or did ive just thrown away money for the signal?

As I remember - volume depends on deposit (your deposit size and signal provider deposit size)

read more here and here : Copying Trading Operations, Volume Calculation


Different Standart Lot Size between subscriber broker and signal broker

angevoyageur, 2013.10.10 16:42

The only way to increase your lot size is by investing more money.

u do not understand.i invested 154 EUR (15400 eurocents) so the lot size should be 1.00 (or something around it - its nano account) not 0.01. its using 1% of the account instead of 100%. So if the owner accounts gets wiped out i lose 1%^ even though i set it to 95%
i thought using nano account would give more accuarate lot-replication with small amounts of cash. I see metatrader signal subscription does not support nano account. Decrease fixed exchange rate by 100 to fix it! its not too big by 100x. ITs accually probably right, but reducing it b 100 would result in proper lot sizing. Please fix that - ever nano account works the same.
can i use same subscription on another account on another broker or do i have to pay again? because investing 1% of an account is not funny at all..

I do not understand sorry ... if your deposit is 154 and deposit of signal provider is 7,000 dollars so why should you have same lot size with him? I do not know (i do not understand sorry). You can write to ServiceDesk explaing them the situation as they can check more about

Assume that the Subscriber's balance comprises 8 000 EUR, the allowable load is - 50% and the Provider's balance is 10 000 USD. The current EURUSD rate is 1.20000. If the Provider performs a deal with the volume of 1 lot, the same deal is performed on the Subscriber's account with the volume of 0.48 lots. Subscriber's balance comprises 4 000 EUR or 4 800 USD considering allowable load. Therefore, the volume ration will comprise 4 800 / 10 000 = 0.48.

After the balances have been considered, Subscriber's and Provider's leverages are also taken into account. If Subscriber's leverage exceeds the one of the Signal Provider, it does not affect a volume of a copied deal. Otherwise, the deal volume is changed in direct ratio to the correlation of a Signal Provider's leverage with a Subscriber's one.

For example, if a Signal Provider having a leverage of 1:100 opens a deal of 1 lot, a Subscriber having a leverage of 1:500 will open a deal of 1 lot in case of 100% copying and a deposit matching by size and currency. A subscriber having a leverage of 1:10 will open a deal of 0.1 lots in similar conditions.

its ver simple. as 0.01 lot on normal account is a 1.00 lot on nano account. So if some singal is investing 0.01 on nano account what is really doing is investing 0.0001 lot. Do you understand?
I do not understand sorry ... if your deposit is 154 and deposit of signal provider is 7,000 dollars so why should you ahve same lot size with him? I do not know (i do not understand sorry). You can write to ServiceDesk explaing them the situation as they can check more about
Yes, understand. But it was nothing written about nano or normal in the articles/threads concerning lot sizer/volumer calculation between subscriber and signal provider (at least - I did not find it). You can write to ServiceDesk explaing them the situation and they can check it against existing formula for volume calculation for signal
is it possible to use my subscription on other account or do i have to pa again? or did i waste my money?
Yes, understand. But it was nothing written about nano or normal in the articles/threads concerning lot sizer/volumer calculation between subscriber and signal provider (at least - I did not find it). You can write to ServiceDesk explaing them the situation and they can check it against existing formula for volume calculation for signal
I do not think it will be possible to use same subscription on the other account. As I told - you can write to ServiceDesk because they should know more about nano or normal ... or you can calculate your lot size using this post