object get making a trendline break


hi i have been trying to adapt this code to my ea

so I have got it to find a trend line drawn by me on the chart

no it not my code just my adaption of the code

the function works and produces the desired result

however i can figure out how to get the result out of the function

that is i cant get it to where i can use hte information elswhere in the ea

any suggestions would be most appreciated


//|                                              trend-line-test.mq4 |
//|                                      Copyright © 2011, Ron Kirby |
//|                                            http://www.blsmur.com |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2011, Ron Kirby"
#property link      "http://www.blsmur.com"
   // these are all externs so they can be changed when the EA is attached to a chart
// the values set are default values
extern int stoploss=0;
extern int takeprofit=0;
extern double lots = 0.01;
extern int magic_number=12345;

int  iRetTlBreak =0;

extern string trendline_name ="t6";
extern int trendline_type=0;  // 0=upper, 1=lower
//| expert initialization function                                   |
int init()
//| expert deinitialization function                                 |
int deinit()
//| expert start function                                            |

int start()
   // call the i have used other ideas to  get the functin to work  this gets it work but i cant get an output 
int testsignal = (fnGetTrendLineSignal(trendline_name, trendline_type) );
 //  if (fnGetTrendLineSignal(trendline_name, trendline_type) == 1)
 // Print ("value = ",value,"m = ",m,"type = ",type); 


int fnGetTrendLineSignal(string strName, int type)//string strName, int type
{  int    iRetTlBreak = 0;
   // get the four coordinates
   double x1 = ObjectGet( strName, OBJPROP_TIME1);
   Print ("x1 = ",x1);
   double y1 = ObjectGet( strName, OBJPROP_PRICE1);
   double x2 = ObjectGet( strName, OBJPROP_TIME2);
   double y2 = ObjectGet( strName, OBJPROP_PRICE2);
   Print ("y1 = ",y1);
   // calculate the slope of the line (m)
   double m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1);
   Print ("m = ",m);
   // calcualte the offset (b)
   double b = y1 -m*x1;
   // get the current x value
   double time = TimeCurrent();
   // calculate the value (y) of the projected trendline at (x): y = mx + b
   double value = m*time + b;
  //  Print ("value = ",value,"m = ",m,"type = ",type);
   // if type is an upper trend line (line is above price points)
      if( type == 0 )// Print ("type = ",type);
      if( Bid > value )iRetTlBreak = 2;
   if( type == 1 )// Print ("type = ",type);
      // price has broken the trendline
      // the ask price is lower than the projected value
      if( Ask < value )iRetTlBreak = 1;
Print ("iRetTlBreak = ",iRetTlBreak);


The value that is returned by the function you are calling is iRetTlBreak . . .

So do this . . .

int testsignal = fnGetTrendLineSignal(trendline_name, trendline_type);

then testsignal will have the value that the function returned, i.e. iRetTlBreak

Add this line after the function call . . .

Print ("testsignal = ",testsignal);

And you will see that iRetTlBreak and testsignal have the same value.


The value that is returned by the function you are calling is iRetTlBreak . . .

So do this . . .

then testsignal will have the value that the function returned, i.e. iRetTlBreak

Add this line after the function call . . .

And you will see that iRetTlBreak and testsignal have the same value.

hi there Raptor

i have tried that before and no result

here is what I have tried right now and it does not print for me so

you will see that the "testsignal" does not appear in the journal

am I missing something ?

iRetTlBreak is printing fine and is working fine

but nothing from the testsignal print statement

  // call the i have used other ideas to  get the functin to work  this gets it work but i cant get an output 
int testsignal = fnGetTrendLineSignal(trendline_name, trendline_type);
  Print ("testsignal = ",testsignal); 
 //  if (fnGetTrendLineSignal(trendline_name, trendline_type) == 1)

am I missing something ?

iRetTlBreak is printing fine and is working fine

but nothing from the testsignal print statement

You did something wrong . . . .

2011.12.05 09:10:21 2008.03.03 03:24 trend-line-test EURJPY,H1: testsignal = 0

2011.12.05 09:10:21 2008.03.03 03:24 trend-line-test EURJPY,H1: iRetTlBreak = 0

2011.12.05 09:10:21 2008.03.03 03:24 trend-line-test EURJPY,H1: m = -0

2011.12.05 09:10:21 2008.03.03 03:24 trend-line-test EURJPY,H1: y1 = 161.0374

2011.12.05 09:10:21 2008.03.03 03:24 trend-line-test EURJPY,H1: x1 = 1203519600

2011.12.05 09:10:21 2008.03.03 03:24 trend-line-test EURJPY,H1: testsignal = 0

2011.12.05 09:10:21 2008.03.03 03:24 trend-line-test EURJPY,H1: iRetTlBreak = 0


You did something wrong . . . .

2011.12.05 09:10:21 2008.03.03 03:24 trend-line-test EURJPY,H1: testsignal = 0

2011.12.05 09:10:21 2008.03.03 03:24 trend-line-test EURJPY,H1: iRetTlBreak = 0

2011.12.05 09:10:21 2008.03.03 03:24 trend-line-test EURJPY,H1: m = -0

2011.12.05 09:10:21 2008.03.03 03:24 trend-line-test EURJPY,H1: y1 = 161.0374

2011.12.05 09:10:21 2008.03.03 03:24 trend-line-test EURJPY,H1: x1 = 1203519600

2011.12.05 09:10:21 2008.03.03 03:24 trend-line-test EURJPY,H1: testsignal = 0

2011.12.05 09:10:21 2008.03.03 03:24 trend-line-test EURJPY,H1: iRetTlBreak = 0


I got it to print on a live account

but it still not show in the tester ?


I got it to print on a live account

but it still not show in the tester ?

Yes it is . . . I ran it in the Strategy Tester
Yes it is . . . I ran it in the Strategy Tester

this is the result from my test jpeg attached

is there anything else you changed besides what you posted



this is the result from my test jpeg attached

is there anything else you changed besides what you posted

Nope . . . are you sure you are running the modified EA ? add another Print ( Print("Moded EA"); ) just after the Print in the function so you know you are using the modified EA . . .

my code works too:

int checkTrendBreak(int type,double bid,double ask)//type 0==downtrend (above candles) and type 1==uptrend (below candles)
   datetime date1 =D'12.01.2024 20:00:00'; 
   datetime date2 =D'18.01.2024 16:00:00';
   double price1 = 0.67422;
   double price2 = 0.65190;   
   int    iRetTlBreak = 0;   
   double x1 = (double)date1;
   double y1 = price1;
   double x2 = (double)date2;
   double y2 = price2;
   // calculate the slope of the line (m)
   double m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1);   
   // calcualte the offset (b)
   double b = y1 -m*x1;   
   // get the current x value
   double time = TimeCurrent();
   // calculate the value (y) of the projected trendline at (x): y = mx + b
   double value = m*time + b;   
    if( type == 0 )// Print ("type = ",type);
      if( bid > value )iRetTlBreak = 2;        
   if( type == 1 )// Print ("type = ",type);     
      if( ask < value )iRetTlBreak = 1;   
return iRetTlBreak;