creating a dll library


I'd like to import some functions from a dll file. I saw there were some topics on importing C# dll's, but these functions are ones I wrote in mql.

I simply wanna replace

#import "function_library.ex4"


#import "function_library.dll"

I tried a few things, but no go.

Any suggestions?


an .ex4 'library' is not a DLL

check WinUser32.mqh for how to import functions from DLLs

Well I realize an .ex4 is not a DLL, Im trying to turn the ex4 into a dll then import it as that.
Well I realize an .ex4 is not a DLL, Im trying to turn the ex4 into a dll then import it as that.
you cannot "turn it into a dll". You have to write a dll from scratch. And for this you should use a language that is suitable for producing native code and this is NOT C# which would only make it more complicated, you should use a language that will directly compile to native code and easily produce a native dll with stdcall exports (which is what mql4 #import will expect), write the dll in something like Pascal, Ada, Fortran, C++, etc..
Ok thanks.