Trading by experts is prohibited

I receive that error in the Journal tab. I know what it means, but I wonder how a broker knows the trades come from an expert advisor and not tried to be opened manually? Is a special tag attached to such order? Can this be bypassed anyhow?
Use another broker. Even if you find a way to bypass it (maybe by simulating mouse clicks instead of using the OrderSend() API) you will most likely violate his terms and conditions, there must be a reason he disabled algo-trading. I would simply use a different broker if I were you.
I receive that error in the Journal tab. I know what it means, but I wonder how a broker knows the trades come from an expert advisor and not tried to be opened manually? Is a special tag attached to such order? Can this be bypassed anyhow?

Ask the broker to enable trading with expert advisers.


MT4 server can differentiate between manual trading messages and messages placed by an EA. It isn't possible to bypass this without knowing and hacking the MT client-server messaging protocol and this is proprietary - ie. not public domain.

Some brokers activate your live account with EA trading disabled by default. The idea is to protect you from yourself - in the case that your EA runs away with itself. You would normally have to sign an indemnity - in other words, you are being made aware of the potential issue and are taking responsibility for that situation, should it happen.


Ok. Thank you all for your replies.
Undercover wrote >>
I receive that error in the Journal tab. I know what it means, but I wonder how a broker knows the trades come from an expert advisor and not tried to be opened manually? Is a special tag attached to such order? Can this be bypassed anyhow?

I have a Demo account that I want to reduce to a lower balnce to bring it into line with the Live trading account I wish to establish to test the EAs which is very low on draw downs: eventually, once the trades close out. But it takes very heavy draw downs on open trades so I want to test it before I put money into it to besure I won't get a margin call on it.. Thus have been purposely setting trades to take heavy losses. I had one going south on me the way I wanted it to and the broker pulled the plug on it long before it margined out becuase of the significant loss on the trade.

Most of the others have ended up making money: the Gods like their jokes on us and mess with us for entertainment.

The Fates have a very warped sense of humor: can't make any money when I try to, then I can't lose it when I want to!

Give me a @#$*#*%_#@*%_&&@#_$*+# break!