Beta Testing of MetaTrader 5 Has Started! - page 30


Totally agree, gif format needs to be added and supported .....

Also, it would be nice if you could "trade from the screen" like you can in GFT's 360..... and by that i mean you can drag and move the stop line which would change the trade values... any plans on this?

They have that . Have you tried to drag that line yet. For me, it gets in the way of any other objects that I try to move, and there is no way to tell metatrader to NOT select it.


If the DDE is gone then what can be used in its place? I just spent the past year and a half to develop a trading idea and now no DDE.



I believe earlier in this thread, they said they will not support DDE, but there is a DLL somewhere on this forum that works.


Guys - we should move our discussion onto the new forum which is now active

DavidStanton wrote >>

If the DDE is gone then what can be used in its place? I just spent the past year and a half to develop a trading idea and now no DDE.



I asked the same question earlier in this thread.

It was stated that there is a DLL in the metatrader directory (mql5.dll). But I can't find any documentation on how to use it.

nondisclosure wrote >>

I asked the same question earlier in this thread.

It was stated that there is a DLL in the metatrader directory (mql5.dll). But I can't find any documentation on how to use it.

Hi folks,

Been trying to get some answers on the forum but it's a ghost town.

I've been porting simple pivot indicators over from MQL4 to 5 and have come accross some strange stuff. Most of it I've worked out but the biggest worry for me is IRREGULAR PROGRAM FLOW. I have a function which clears objects from my chart.

The function is called when Oninit() is called and then the Pivots_Draw function is called before the OnInit functions returns. The really odd thing is the Clear Levels function is being called again after the draw pivots function. It's as if the Oninit() function is being called twice - but it's not -

anyone know what WTF is going on?


Only one thing left, TICK charts. Any chance of that coming before the final release? Thanks

I wanted to write here abt my wishes to MQL5 wizard. So, i want you to merge first and second windows of the mql5 wizard and provide one windowed creation of files. Only indicators will require next drawing properties window or maybe you can provide that window only in first too and it would be great. And delete that blue mql5 image in MQL5 Wizard window. This is all my wishes to MQL5 Wizard window

nondisclosure wrote >>

I asked the same question earlier in this thread.

It was stated that there is a DLL in the metatrader directory (mql5.dll). But I can't find any documentation on how to use it.

Well, it turns out that mal5.dll is the compilier support for metaeditor. there is NO dll in MetaTrader 5 to use in replace of DDE.

Metaquotes, if I'm wrong, prove it! I use DDE exclusively and if I don't have that function, I'll tell my broker that and move to something else that does. I know, I'm just a lowly trader and not a broker so my comments mean nothing, but it is quite annoying that you are going to take away something that quite a few of us rely upon.


Well, it turns out that mal5.dll is the compilier support for metaeditor. there is NO dll in MetaTrader 5 to use in replace of DDE.

Metaquotes, if I'm wrong, prove it! I use DDE exclusively and if I don't have that function, I'll tell my broker that and move to something else that does. I know, I'm just a lowly trader and not a broker so my comments mean nothing, but it is quite annoying that you are going to take away something that quite a few of us rely upon.

I personally have no need for DDE, but if I did I would write a DDE.DLL which does exactly what the MT4 DDE function delivers. Rest assured: someone else with DLL writing skills and a need to use DDE is bound to pick it up and publish it.


Ability to switch timeframes via hot keys. Say i am at H3, then the "increase key" will change timeframe from left to right starting from H3 and coming up to Monthly timeframe will go to M1 and continue. The decrease key will do otherwise

For usability

I noticed that with market time after 00:00 charts are not drawn properly, that is, charts stop drawing and only last time's bar is shown. After several minutes in M1 timeframe you can see that the previous bar is always the bar which drawn at 00:00. Changing access point and reconnecting solves chart drawing