Discussion of MQL5 Market Products - page 2

hello anyone can explained me about its advantage and disadvantage .


If you are a buyer look at this article: What Are the Benefits of Buying Trading Robots in MQL5 Market?
This is an article for sellers: Why Is MQL5 Market the Best Place for Selling Trading Strategies and Technical Indicators


Hi Everybody!

Could you help me somebody can I sell an MT4 signal on which I trade with Indices and Stocks?

I trade them on MT4 account with CFD instruments.

Is it possible with these instruments too or only for currancy pairs?

Thank you for your answer,


Hi Everybody!

Could you help me somebody can I sell an MT4 signal on which I trade with Indices and Stocks?

I trade them on MT4 account with CFD instruments.

Is it possible with these instruments too or only for currancy pairs?

Thank you for your answer,

It's possible with any instrument available with your broker.

Boa tarde! Pessoal.


É meu 1º contato no forum, estou com duvidada na utilização dos Sinal já fiz a assinatura mas não estou conseguindo evoluir como faço para habilita-lo para que eu possa fazer as minhas operações?


Hi Group when I open my "new order" window, my tick chart is no longer there. How do I get it back? Thanks in advance