I have posted to <the management> about Search not working (again)

In the mean time everyone can search this site using Google or whatever as gordon suggests


Search doesn't work. Again.
Search doesn't work. Again.

And again.


Well it is working today :)

So lets use it ;)


And continues to work, so please use it!!
And continues to work, so please use it!!

Not today.


First: if your fed up of seeing the same old tired question - DONT feel you HAVE to answer it - again!
Its the forum users responsibility to understand that other forum users have the option to ignore a question.
What I have spotted though is a tendency or a hint "will you write it for me" question and there I draw the line
as I am NOT going to do the logical thinking to coding bit for you.
This is partly for my benefit and partly for the person asking as they won't learn how to spot an error.
For me it takes a fair bit of concentration to understand sombody elses "logic" and the coding error is probably
because of a misunderstanding in which line of code is next in execution. It takes lots of practise getting used to
reading computer code.
However on of the best ways of learning is in trying to answer another persons question and not being afraid to be wrong
Each person gains from the experience.
So if you are 'new' and see a question you might be able to answer please help out!
"If you look, the answer will come"


It is working today and this may serve as a gentle reminder :)


Forum Search isnt working at the moment
Management has been posted about it
In the meantime use Google or whatever search engine