Added topic How to use Zigzag values to make custom ATR indicator
The following code for an indicator just kept crashing / suspending (infinite loop, too many calcultion???) Can someone suggest a better coding practise to get a better result. Code is not tidy as it has been copy and pasted from different places and
Added topic Should programers adjust for 5decimal place brokers?
I have noticed that there is an assumption that Expert Advisers accept their inputs as if they are meant for 4decimal place brokers. There also seems to be the assumption that programmers should assume Users will assume that the inputs like Take
Added topic Methods of Recovery after deinit() - got any ideas?
I am trying to finish an EA that watches manually placed trades with enough protection built in to prevent stupid errors on use. Got to the deveopment area of protecting against use of Period Change the F7 key and schedualed computer restarts. So no
Added topic Testing Code and found OrderSelect(Ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET,MODE_TRADES) does not change
Testing Code and found OrderSelect(Ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET,MODE_TRADES) does not change after selected ticket is closed. Anyone know the reason? extern int Ticket= 0 ; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| expert
Added topic Advise on saving stuff to a file.
Life gets a LOT more interesting when you start saving values to a file. 1) take care of EA working on more than one chart. 2)File maintenance. In issue one - New file for each new ticket identified by ticket number or Maintan one file with each line
Added topic Response to FAQ I want an EA to Close order at TakeProfit and StopLoss
I believe I have seen this request a few times so with my best programmers hat on I have written the following, yet to test it on demo account criticisms please Note it was written for clarity not efficiency - I'll screem if you also ask for it to
Added topic Scripts and Indicators bacause?
Just checking. A script file is a script file because it is stored in the scripts folder? True or False Is the same true of a indicator? True or False or Defined by its #property definition. Script files dont accept extern values? True or False or
Added topic MT4 now not saving toolbar, Navigator and other view settings
What do I need to delete or reset to get the current build of metatrader to save all it current display settings so that when I close and open MT4 I still see all the toolbars and navigator windows setting I had when I closed MT4
Added topic When is :- If(Bars !=BarCount)
I have been reading through some code in the codebase and came across //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ extern bool EachTickMode = False; int
Added topic Simple EA into sub window indicater - How?
How can I turn this simple EA into an indicator - results either in main window or sub window. //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Added topic **WARNING** MT4 does background updates
I just tried to place a trade and found it refused because MT4 was doing a background update without letting me know it was happening. How did I find out? I found the following lines:- 17:31:29 **** - MetaTrader 4.00 build 402 started (FXDD) 17:31:32
Added topic Simple quetion just can't think of answer
Does the Take profit of a BUY close on the Bid or the Ask and ther reverse Does the Take profit of a SELL close on which? Sometimes I just can't think properly - this one of those moments
Added topic MetaTrade 4 Array++ BUG er language redefining over the years.
If you declare an array after extern and before start() with a cell limit of 5 like int Array[5] ; and then use ++ on them the last Array Cell [5] does not update! To find this I wrote something like the following int Array[ 5 ] ; Start() static int
Added topic Broker to avoid FXJE
I notice that FXJE are promoting thier brokerage - My experience of them is BAD BAD BAD, the offers they make don't last long and by the time you have signed up the seeming good deal has gone. Just my experience of them
Added topic Optimization parameter counting order?
does anyone know the order in which the parameters count in the optimisation process ? here are some results I get and they seem to be counting backwards. 1 38.46 72 1.18 0.53 188.35 17.90% SLFirst=2680 SLMove=160 EntryLevel=1 2 81.09 99 1.46 0.82
Added topic MLQ4 closed?
Has MLQ4 closed - I don't seem to have internet access to the web site anymore
Added topic Seeking reassurance
Will old EA's written for MT4 be fully compatable with MT5
Registered at MQL5.community
Added topic XPP new EA blah blah blah But MT5 Question arose
The usual sales pitch and it wont be arount long blag. One thing did appear though and that was that if the EA did not work in MetaTrader 5 they promised to update it. So thought I would ask the question, will MT5 be guaranteed backward compatable or
Added topic This should be a script - Account History EA
Wrote this EA as learning exercise - would need refining in the file already open and file alrady exists error code department but for now serves a simple and hopfully useful purpose. Perhaps if a Moderator thinks it worthy of being added to the code