cloudbreaker wrote >>

This message is directed especially to new members.

Recently I'm finding myself (and noticing some of the other programmers) answering the same questions time after time after time.

It is quite clear that many new members post their questions without searching the forum or using the documentation.

Some of the repeated questions are:

- I'm getting Error 130

- How do I make my EA just do 1 order per day

- My loop to close orders isn't working reliably

- How do I know if an order is closed

- How do I use magic numbers

- How do I pass data between EAs or persist data when my EA shuts down

- How do I protect my EA from prying eyes (and decompilers)

This forum is cluttered at the best of times.

Please use the SEARCH facility.

Please consult the Documentation here:





That is all well and good but I have been through the entire code base and cannot find what I need. The forum search utility has yet to return anything but a blank no matter what I type in.

My frustration may not match yours but it is none the less getting up there.

New User Dare

When that happens, it means the search facility is broken. Unfortunately that happens a lot.


> The forum search utility has yet to return anything but a blank no matter
I do ping the management whenever it happens, a revised server was supposed to fix this months ago but clearly hasnt :(
When it does that, revert to Google and add site:forum.mql4.com to your search criteria
Newbies should do all they can to reduce the fade factor for the few (remaining) old hands on here
This is not a social site, Forex is a damn tough business and we will not suffer fools at all, let alone gladly
As many have found, if they put some effort in first, they may get the key to the next level..


Ha - found it - by Search-ing :D

It fell off the page

Not for long though

He he he...
Another Bump... Please use the search button on the top of the forum or google search mql4.com + *your question* before repeating the same questions.