Share my profitable EA -- Steady Growth - page 4


hi, please untick the box of optimization in Tester

thank you, i have done that but the EA just seems to not be operating. here is the report of every test i do without optimization.

simthegreat wrote >>

thank you, i have done that but the EA just seems to not be operating. here is the report of every test i do without optimization.


plz restart the MT4, and try it again by click the start buttom

if still doesn't work, please

1)open eurgbp 5 minutes chart

2) close the auto scroll function ( see the picture, if the red square logo is on, click it to be off

3) scroll to the previous bars by pressing"HOME" key on the keyboard

4) close the chart

5) and start the tester

u should making the setting like picture above


thanks so much for help so far. sorry to be annoying! did what you said, still unfortunate :(

I quickly tried some other EAs, mecahnical ones such as grids all seem to work fine, but other more complex ones do not? I may try reinstalling the terminal


Hi kelly

Here is the back test output. What I don't understand is why does the error site the library file name and not the first function of the dynamic linked library that it tries to access.

Also tried putting files in windows/system32 just to see if it would work but that gave same message with different error (error 14001).


Hi kelly

Here is the back test output. What I don't understand is why does the error site the library file name and not the first function of the dynamic linked library that it tries to access.

Also tried putting files in windows/system32 just to see if it would work but that gave same message with different error (error 14001).

error 14001:

Do u computer installed Visual Studio, if haven't please download below 2 component(2.6 MB)

please download below 2 component :

// if user haven't install VS, and the dll use some library in VS, it will cause error 14001


error 14001:

// if user haven't install VS, and the dll use some library,like my library, it will cause error 14001

I have Visual studio V6 C++ and VB and TOOLS.

I only get error 14001 when your files are in the system32 directory. When your files are in the MT4 libraries directory it is error 126. There seems to be something fundamental missing from the dll or def files that requires a particular environment to run I think you need to find the missing component or build parameter and include it with your package if you wish others to use your code.



Maybe it's easier to remove the DLL and move the logic to EX4 file, unless you have concerns about licensing (like FAP Turbo) or server time vs. GMT time related adjustment.

This way you have only the EX4 file.


I have Visual studio V6 C++ and VB and TOOLS.

I only get error 14001 when your files are in the system32 directory. When your files are in the MT4 libraries directory it is error 126. There seems to be something fundamental missing from the dll or def files that requires a particular environment to run I think you need to find the missing component or build parameter and include it with your package if you wish others to use your code.


It may be cause by i am using Visual Studio 2008, and u haven't the file "msvcp90.dll" and "msvcr90.dll"

i have attached it at the 1st post attachment~ ~

paste all the file in "Stuff" to

C:\Windows\system32 (your drive may vary from your windows install directory )

Thankyou very much


It may be cause by i am using Visual Studio 2008, and u haven't the file "msvcp90.dll" and "msvcr90.dll"

i have attached it at the 1st post attachment~ ~

paste all the file in "Stuff" to

C:\Windows\system32 (your drive may vary from your windows install directory )

I have installed the sp1 2005 redistributable MS package but still get error 126.

Don't understand "1st post attachment" statement. What are you expecting me to put in the system32 directory.

Really I think you should prepare your code with everything it requires to run. For instance what good would MT4 be if it didn't run because a file was missing.


yes, i am so sorry for your inconvenient

i found out the problem is even u paste "msvcp90.dll" and "msvcr90.dll" to C:\windows\system32, the terminal.exe will still use msvcp80.dll" or msvcp70.dll" or msvcp60.dll" etc

i have attached the correct version of

Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package (x86)

VCredist.exe in the 1st post attachment, which i provide the old, wrong version of VCredist.exe before

i am confident it can be run, after you install it, Ruptor

let's go to the first post, and download the attachment

Thankyou Very Much