How about categorizing this forum??


It can get a bit tedious in this forum you know. There are so many posts from people who can't code, can't use grammatic syntax (never mind programmatic syntax) and who just want others to "help me please" without spending any effort at all themselves to learn how to code and to read the docs.

I want to help (and get help from) other programmers who know what they are doing, but it is very frustrating when you read posts from those who think that they'll make a couple of tweaks (by proxy F.F.S.!!) to somebody's EA and get rich in weeks.

So...... how about sections:

1. For programmers who wish to help each other and to help genuine newbies who are prepared to communicate properly, read the manuals and write their own EAs.

2. A clearinghouse for people who wish to offer their programming services to meet with people who want someone else to provide their code snippets (or complete EAs) for them.

3. A section to generally boast or bitch about how successful or unsuccessful each others EAs and strategies are.

4. A section to discuss technical issues regarding the platform (client, development environment, strategy tester).

I really can't be arsed wading through the type of content that would go in sections 2 or 3, although I'm quite sure many would - if only for entertainment value. Hell, some of the other forums seem to have nothing but this sort of stuff. For me, the presence of some good programmer to programmer support is what sets this forum apart but its a pity to have to go searching for the sensible posts.



I can agree with all that

Just a Member rating based on post count would be a bare minimum
I think the average level of effort per request has dropped in the last year and some stalwarts arent as prominent as they once were - perhaps in consequence...

The problem Rosh & Co will have is that this is their own in-house forum project, so is a significant overhead to change it
Could be a big change in attitude to adopt one of the low-cost standard formats now so widely used...

I'll certainly stick around for a while, there are the occasional laughs & exchange of (the occasional) nugget of info!




PLEASE ! This would be great. This forum is an unholy MESS.

Desparately needs the following sections...

Markets - for discussion about different trading markets/events

Indicators - speaks for itself

Total Newbie questions - encourage newcomers to post here

Data Feeds - questions/comments about data issues

Brokers - so we can all compare/discuss them together

Strategies - Broken down into Swing, Trend, etc etc to kick ideas around

Platform - about the general programming environment etc

Experts - where more experienced people can go for help with their own experts

Services - for people offering broking, programming, development, advice professionally.

Probably need a lot more...

Just throuw up these categories - and people will start to use them.



All good points but unfortunately this wont fly here

> Brokers - so we can all compare/discuss them together

Brokers pay MT to use their system so the B-word cant be mentioned around here..



I agree the forum is a mess; largely I think because it is so hard to find information, particularly if you don't know what you are looking for and exactly how to spell it.

here are a few suggestions.

1) As someone suggested elsewhere.. a FAQ list.

2) A complete glossary of terms, functions, including spelling, organised alphatetically.

3)A complete INDEX to the "Book"

4)Number the pages in the book (This is the only book I've ever seen without page numbers).

5)Get someone to translate the error messages and compiler errors into a comprehensible form of English.

6)In a division devoted to Noobies, a welcome message and an outline of MT4,EA's and this site.

Too be sure,some of the visitor's here are lazy but I think that for most it is just too daunting to bounce around trying to make sense of

cryptic or non-relevent search results.




Hi BB... :)

"I'll certainly stick around for a while, there are the occasional laughs & exchange of (the occasional) nugget of info!"

Ya got True grit dude!

Me? ya... am now off for a month or two cuz the last few days revisiting has actually proved harmful [yet again ;-]

My conclusion for this site is ONLY as a searchable resource to dip into as required - you know? like renewing ability for reading translated .ru articles etc. and to actually remember that the time taken to get any type of meaningful info from the site is far greater than to just hammer 'n chissel away oneself - at least there is higher chance of learning and actually... always getting the answer too!.

Is always the same. Come here > get frustrated > go back home > sulk a bit > roll the sleeves up > get down 'n dirty with quick and nasty coding all over the place > get the answer!

And btw, actually understand it cuz one has sweated the answer out via one's own trench digging!!!

Cheers BB



Yes this place can seem like a ski-jump slope running the wrong way - a vertical climb followed by steep & very slippery slope

But isnt that a metaphor for any form of financial trading?!

Dont be a stranger :)



In concrete words, what you have done for "categorizing" this forum?

i still can see it "confusing mess"