

To Rosh:

Hi Rosh, I downloaded your script, I compile and fail-error.-

Do you tell me what´s wrong?...The code is incomplete!

Please, repair code. Thanks....=)

I've just answered there.
Please help me, mfe and mae script is realy good, but me, not import to csv. Write me detailed description How to use this script ...realy thanks....=)
Execuse me. Here the script is.
Realy thanks so much....nice...=)

Hi Rosh, your script is realy fine, but script has a small error. Explanation of the image.

How can I do to write only the new data into csv?....thanks

Your script:     

What I want (example):

Please repair your script =(


Hi Rosh, your script is realy fine, but script has a small error. Explanation of the image.

How can I do to write only the new data into csv?....thanks

You can use function FileSeek():

The function moves the file pointer to a new position that is an offset, in bytes, from the beginning, the end or the current file position. The next reading or writing are made at a new position.
If file pointer has been moved successfully, the function returns TRUE, otherwise, it returns FALSE. To get the detailed error information, one has to call the GetLastError() function.

See also article Grouped File Operations
Thank you again...=)

    Hi Rosh,

 I have a problem on your script. The problem is alerts, which reported a bug, it can not be imported to CSV values. Unfortunately I can not Russian, so I do not know what the alerts mean. I would like if you translate Alerts MAE_MFE.mq4 written in Russian into English. I should really thank.