How to get the Elliot Wave EA working?


I am trying to get the EA Elliot Wave working, but it doesn't go easily.

I found out that the main problem must be in the Rules Functions file, especially this sentence: 



//| The WaveRules function                                           |

bool WaveRules(TWave *Wave)



   bool Result=false;




How does this sentence must be written?  I get a lot of errors like: " comma is expected/ "T decleration without type/ single quote is needed 

Down below I show you the kind of errors in the RulesFunctions.mqh file at the moment.



Furthermore, the IndexVertex and ValueVertex arrays must be filled in correct   - (indexes of the tops and values of the tops of the wave).

But also with this I get errors like 'ValueVertex' struct or class type expected... 






How must this sentence be written? Did I forget to place a comma in here?



When I recompile the "complete" Elliot Wave EA I get 0 errors, but 13 warnings as shown below.



I hope there's someone who has his Elliot Wave EA running and can help. I would be very pleased, because now it is all of a struggle.

Many thanks,




I am trying to get the EA Elliot Wave working, but it doesn't go easily.

I found out that the main problem must be in the Rules Functions file, especially this sentence: 

How does this sentence must be written?  I get a lot of errors like: " comma is expected/ "T decleration without type/ single quote is needed 

Down below I show you the kind of errors in the RulesFunctions.mqh file at the moment.

Compile MQ5-files not MQH

Why Mql5 published indicators/ ea with won't work scripts?

Rudi Susanto:

Why Mql5 published indicators/ ea with won't work scripts?

What are you talking about ?