DDE result N/A... I need help! pars EURUSD... why? - Resolved, thanks to all!

Hello Friends ....

I need help ...

I am working on an Excel spreadsheet with DDE. However, the pair EURUSD not upgrade and appears N / A in the cell.

Can you help me?


Health and peace!
(Excuse me for English by Google.)

Is DDE working for other pairs... GBPUSD, for example?

phy wrote >>

Is DDE working for other pairs... GBPUSD, for example?


realized that started in pairs with EUR funciana not! what can be?
Check your typing in the cells with EUR
phy wrote >>
Check your typing in the cells with EUR

it´s ok... look.:



Don't know solution.
phy wrote >>
Don't know solution.

Obrigado.... -> tks



Lamana, fwiw have look at these links for refs to "excel dde" on this site

maybe hit paydirt ;)


Hello Friends,

could solve the problem ... I honestly do not know what caused it. Not changed anything with respect to liha yesterday, and today, when I open the Excel, all working.

Thank you (Obrigado-BR)

Health and peace for all.