Como adicionar um stop loss e um take profit em uma EA já pronta.

Então, gostei da EA feita e divulgada como apresentação de redes neurais (, queria testar mas é inviavel ver o resultado sem um stop loss, take profit, trailing ou hora para parar. Sei que não é para se usar como uma EA mas por incrivel que pareça ela deu mais certo que 98% das EA's que tentei escrever... Peço ajuda, e muito obrigado (codigo abaixo)
//|                                                neuro-example.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2012, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                     |
#property copyright "Copyright 2012, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
#include <Trade\Trade.mqh>        //include the library for execution of trades
#include <Trade\PositionInfo.mqh> //include the library for obtaining information on positions

//--- weight values
input double w0=0.5;
input double w1=0.5;
input double w2=0.5;
input double w3=0.5;
input double w4=0.5;
input double w5=0.5;
input double w6=0.5;
input double w7=0.5;
input double w8=0.5;
input double w9=0.5;

int               iRSI_handle;  // variable for storing the indicator handle
double            iRSI_buf[];   // dynamic array for storing indicator values

double            inputs[10];   // array for storing inputs
double            weight[10];   // array for storing weights

double            out;          // variable for storing the output of the neuron

string            my_symbol;    // variable for storing the symbol
ENUM_TIMEFRAMES   my_timeframe; // variable for storing the time frame
double            lot_size;     // variable for storing the minimum lot size of the transaction to be performed

CTrade            m_Trade;      // entity for execution of trades
CPositionInfo     m_Position;   // entity for obtaining information on positions
//|                                                                  |
int OnInit()
//--- save the current chart symbol for further operation of the EA on this very symbol
//--- save the current time frame of the chart for further operation of the EA on this very time frame
//--- save the minimum lot of the transaction to be performed
//--- apply the indicator and get its handle
//--- check the availability of the indicator handle
      //--- no handle obtained, print the error message into the log file, complete handling the error
      Print("Failed to get the indicator handle");
//--- add the indicator to the price chart
//--- set the iRSI_buf array indexing as time series
//--- place weights into the array
//--- return 0, initialization complete
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- delete the indicator handle and deallocate the memory space it occupies
//--- free the iRSI_buf dynamic array of data
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
//--- variable for storing the results of working with the indicator buffer
   int err1=0;
//--- copy data from the indicator array to the iRSI_buf dynamic array for further work with them
//--- in case of errors, print the relevant error message into the log file and exit the function
      Print("Failed to copy data from the indicator buffer");
   double d1=0.0;                                 //lower limit of the normalization range
   double d2=1.0;                                 //upper limit of the normalization range
   double x_min=iRSI_buf[ArrayMinimum(iRSI_buf)]; //minimum value over the range
   double x_max=iRSI_buf[ArrayMaximum(iRSI_buf)]; //maximum value over the range

//--- In the loop, fill in the array of inputs with the pre-normalized indicator values
   for(int i=0;i<ArraySize(inputs);i++)
//--- store the neuron calculation result in the out variable
//--- if the output value of the neuron is less than 0.5
      //--- if the position for this symbol already exists
         //--- and this is a Sell position, then close it
         if(m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_SELL) m_Trade.PositionClose(my_symbol);
         //--- or else, if this is a Buy position, then exit
         if(m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_BUY) return;
      //--- if we got here, it means there is no position; then we open it
//--- if the output value of the neuron is equal to or greater than 0.5
      //--- if the position for this symbol already exists
         //--- and this is a Buy position, then close it
         if(m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_BUY) m_Trade.PositionClose(my_symbol);
         //--- or else, if this is a Sell position, then exit
         if(m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_SELL) return;
      //--- if we got here, it means there is no position; then we open it
//|   Neuron calculation function                                    |
double CalculateNeuron(double &x[],double &w[])
//--- variable for storing the weighted sum of inputs
   double NET=0.0;
//--- Using a loop we obtain the weighted sum of inputs based on the number of inputs
   for(int n=0;n<ArraySize(x);n++)
//--- multiply the weighted sum of inputs by the additional coefficient
//--- send the weighted sum of inputs to the activation function and return its value
//|   Activation function                                            |
double ActivateNeuron(double x)
//--- variable for storing the activation function results
   double Out;
//--- sigmoid
//--- return the activation function value
Redes neurais: Da teoria à prática
Redes neurais: Da teoria à prática
Atualmente, todo negociador já deve ter ouvido falar sobre redes neurais e sabe como é interessante utilizá-las. A maioria acredita que as pessoas que sabem lidar com redes neurais são algum tipo de super-humano. Neste artigo, tentaremos explicar a arquitetura da rede neural, descrever as suas aplicações e apresentar exemplos de uso prático. O...
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