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Pair Trading Station MT5


How to use Pair Trading Station

Pair Trading Station is recommended for H1 time frame and you can use it for any currency pairs. To generate buy and sell signal, follow few steps below to apply Pair Trading Station to your MetaTrader terminal.

  • When you load Pair Trading Station on your chart, Pair Trading station will assess available historical data in your MetaTrader platforms for each currency pair. On your chart, the amount of historical data available will be displayed for each currency pair at the beginning for your information. The minimum condition for calculation of Pair trading statistics really depends on available historical data. For example, for EURUSD and GBPUSD, MetaTrader Terminal must have matching historical data to calculate pair trading statistics for these pairs. When there is not enough historical data, you can do few things. Firstly you might open charts for that currency pairs and MetaTrader may load some of historical data. Secondly you might use Historical data centre to load the historical data manually.
  • Secondly, you need to decide the correlation level for Pair Trading Station to generate trading signals. Higher correlation level will give you more accurate trading signal but you might get fewer trading signals. Based on our experience, the correlation must be greater 0.7.
  • Once you have set the amount of bars to be used in the calculation and the correlation level, it is time to ask your Pair Trading Station to go through intensive calculation to generate trading signals. Just click “Analyze Pair” button to proceed the calculation. The calculation may take from 30 seconds to several minutes. The calculation time mainly depend on two factor including amount of bars to be used and the number of currency pairs in your market watch. If you have already calculated Pair trading statistics quite lately, then you don’t have to go through the intensive calculation again because Pair Trading Station keeps the latest Pair Trading Statistics. To load the latest Pair Trading Statistics, you just need to press “Ctrl”+ J key on your keyboard.

Must Read and Follow

Keep the right amount of symbols in your market watch. Otherwise, it can overload your cpu and memory. Start with 8 important symbols first in market watch, then gradually increase the numbers as you understand the process.

Many traders are not aware of how much historical data is loaded in your charts. In default setting, normally short historical data, pre-set by your broker, is loaded on your charts. To quickly increase historical data in your charts for many currency pairs, in the history centre, you can just download H1 historical data only for fast processing. Once the pair trading statistics is calculated and saved, you don’t have to worry about if your brokers overwrite or delete your historical data because Pair Trading Station will carry on generating signals using the saved information.

Input Variable Description

  • Bars to scan for calculation: To calculate pair trading statistics, you need to specify how much historical data you are going to use in the calculation. Check the currency pairs with smallest and largest historical data to get some idea of how much historical data is available in your MetaTrader terminal. Then choose good amount of data to calculate pair trading statistics.
  • Minimum Bars to qualify for calculation: Pair Trading Station will skip calculation if currency pair have less than minimum bars
  • Minimum Factor to qualify for signal: normally signal is qualified from factor 2 as in z score of standard deviation
  • Correlation Limit to match pairs: If correlation is too low, then Pair Trading Station will skip the calculation.
  • Lines Per Column when signal is displayed: This variable will specify how many lines of signal to be displayed per column in your chart
  • Colour for Medium Strength Signal: Control colour for medium strength signal
  • Colour for High Strength Signal: Control colour for high strength signal
  • Colour for Extreme Strength Signal: Control colour for extreme strength signal

Important Note

This product is the off the shelf product in the store. Therefore, we do not take any personal modification or personal customization request. For our products, we do not provide any code library or any support for your coding.

レビュー 1
Maxwell Onyolu
Maxwell Onyolu 2020.04.14 11:36 

You can tell that so much work has gone into building the product, so far its a massive secondary confirmation tool for my trading decisions!

Noize Absorption Index - is the manual trading system that measures the difference of pressure between bears forces and bulls forces. Green line - is a noize free index that showing curent situation. Zero value of index shows totally choppy/flat market.Values above zero level shows how powerfull bullish wave is and values below zero measures bearish forces.Up arrow appears on bearish market when it's ready to reverse, dn arrow appears on weak bullish market, as a result of reverse expectation.
Zaha Feiz
4.75 (4)
ATrend: その仕組みと使い方 仕組み MT5プラットフォーム向けの「ATREND」インジケーターは、テクニカル分析手法の組み合わせを利用して、トレーダーに堅牢な買いと売りのシグナルを提供するように設計されています。このインジケーターは主に、ボラティリティ測定のために平均真の範囲(ATR)を活用し、潜在的な市場動向を特定するためのトレンド検出アルゴリズムを併用しています。 購入後にメッセージを残すと、特別なボーナスギフトが贈呈されます。 30ドルの価格で残り8部 主な特徴: - ダイナミックなトレンド検出: インジケーターは市場トレンドを評価し、シグナルを適宜調整することで、トレーダーが優位な市場環境に合わせて戦略を立てるのを支援します。     - ボラティリティ測定: ATRを使用することで、インジケーターは最適なストップロス(SL)とテイクプロフィット(TP)レベルを決定するために不可欠な市場ボラティリティを測定します。 - シグナルの視覚化: インジケーターは、チャート上に買いと売りのシグナルを視覚的に表示することで、トレーダーの意思決定を強化します。 操作手順 入力
Magic Finger can help you identify trends and trading opportunities clearly. The finger points to the open position signal, and the discoloration line is confirmed by the trend. If you are a day trader, you can choose to trade during a period of active trading, referring to the discoloration line as the basis for the next order, finger signal as a filter. If you are a trend trader, you can choose a period above H1, wait for the appearance of the finger signal in the key price area, and enter
MT4版  |  FAQ Owl Smart Levels Indicator は、 Bill Williams の高度なフラクタル、市場の正しい波構造を構築する Valable ZigZag、エントリの正確なレベルをマークする Fibonacci レベルなどの一般的な市場分析ツールを含む 1 つのインジケーター内の完全な取引システムです。 利益を得るために市場と場所に。 戦略の詳細な説明 インジケータを操作するための指示 顧問-取引助手 プライベートユーザーチャット ->購入後に私に書いて、私はプライベートチャットにあなたを追加し、あなたはそこにすべてのボーナスをダウンロードすることができます 力はシンプルさにあります! Owl Smart Levels 取引システムは非常に使いやすいので、専門家にも、市場を勉強し始めて自分で取引戦略を選択し始めたばかりの人にも適しています。 戦略と指標に秘密の数式や計算方法が隠されているわけではなく、すべての戦略指標は公開されています。 Owl Smart Levels を使用すると、取引を開始するためのシグナルをすばやく確認し、注文を出すため
プレミアムレベルは、正しい予測の精度が80%を超える独自の指標です。 この指標は、最高のトレーディングスペシャリストによって2か月以上テストされています。 あなたが他のどこにも見つけられない作者の指標! スクリーンショットから、このツールの正確さを自分で確認できます。 1は、1キャンドルの有効期限を持つバイナリーオプションの取引に最適です。 2はすべての通貨ペア、株式、商品、暗号通貨で機能します 手順: 赤い矢印が表示されたらすぐにダウントレードを開き、青い矢印が表示されたら閉じます。青い矢印の後に開くこともできます。 試してテストしてください!推奨設定はデフォルトです! 日足チャートで最高の精度を示します! インディケータは、2600 Pipsの収益性に対して、約10Pipsという非常に小さなマージンを使用します。
まず第一に、この取引インジケーターは再描画されず、再描画されず、遅延しないことを強調する価値があります。これにより、手動取引とロボット取引の両方に理想的なものになります。 ユーザーマニュアル:設定、入力、戦略。 アトミックアナリストは、価格の強さとモメンタムを利用して市場でより良いエッジを見つけるためのPA価格アクションインジケーターです。ノイズや誤ったシグナルを除去し、取引ポテンシャルを高めるための高度なフィルターを備えています。複雑なインジケーターの複数のレイヤーを使用して、アトミックアナリストはチャートをスキャンし、複雑な数学的計算をシンプルなシグナルと色に変換します。これにより、どのような初心者トレーダーでも理解して使用し、一貫した取引の決定を行うことができます。 「アトミックアナリスト」は、新規および経験豊富なトレーダー向けにカスタマイズされた包括的な取引ソリューションです。プレミアムインジケーターとトップノッチの機能を1つの取引戦略に組み合わせ、すべてのタイプのトレーダーにとって汎用性のある選択肢にします。 デイリートレーディングとスキャルピング戦略:高速で正確な
Tool for Identifying Potential Reversal Points and Trend Direction This tool is excellent for identifying potential reversal points and trend direction in the market. It works well with confirming indicators such as MACD, Stochastic, RSI - standard indicators available on all MT5 platforms. Together with them, it forms a reliable strategy. In the settings, you can adjust the channel distance and period. It is recommended to enter a trade when the signal line crosses the upper channel bounda
SolarTrade Suite 金融指標: Jupiter 市場指標 - 金融市場の世界で信頼できるガイド! これは、革新的で高度なアルゴリズムを使用して値を計算するトレンド指標であり、見た目にも美しいデザインです。 この指標の読みは非常に簡単に理解できます。青色は買い、赤色は売りです。 説明の下部にある SolarTrade Suite シリーズの他の製品をご覧ください。 投資と金融市場の世界を自信を持ってナビゲートしたいですか? SolarTrade Suite 金融指標: Jupiter 市場指標は、情報に基づいた投資決定を行い、利益を増やすのに役立つように設計された革新的なソフトウェアです。 SolarTrade Suite 金融指標: Jupiter 市場指標の利点: - 正確な予測: 当社の指標は、高度なアルゴリズムと分析方法を使用して、市場の動きを正確に予測します。 資産の売買に最適なタイミングに関するシグナルを受け取ります。 - ユーザーフレンドリーなインターフェース: 直感的なインターフェースにより、プログラムを簡単にマスターし、インス
Was: $249  Now: $99   Market Profile defines a number of day types that can help the trader to determine market behaviour. A key feature is the Value Area, representing the range of price action where 70% of trading took place. Understanding the Value Area can give traders valuable insight into market direction and establish the higher odds trade. It is an excellent addition to any system you may be using. Inspired by Jim Dalton’s book “Mind Over Markets”, this indicator is designed to suit the
Elevate Your Trading Experience with Wamek Trend Consult!   Unlock the power of precise market entry with our advanced trading tool designed to identify early and continuation trends. Wamek Trend Consult empowers traders to enter the market at the perfect moment, utilizing potent filters that reduce fake signals, enhancing trade accuracy, and ultimately increasing profitability.   Key Features: 1. Accurate Trend Identification: The Trend Consult indicator employs advanced algorithms and unparall
The Penta-O is a 6-point retracement harmonacci pattern which usually precedes big market movements. Penta-O patterns can expand and repaint quite a bit. To make things easier this indicator implements a twist: it waits for a donchian breakout in the right direction before signaling the trade. The end result is an otherwise repainting indicator with a very reliable trading signal. The donchian breakout period is entered as an input. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | A
Basic Support and Resistance   インジケータは、テクニカル分析を強化するために必要なソリューションです。このインジケータを使用すると、チャートにサポートレベルとレジスタンスレベルを投影できます/ mt4バージョン 機能 フィボナッチレベルの統合: サポートと抵抗レベルとともにフィボナッチレベルを表示するオプションを使用すると、私たちの指標は市場行動と逆転領域の可能性についてさらに深い洞察を提供します。 パフォーマンスの最適化: 各バーの開口部のみで拡張ラインを更新するオプションを使用すると、インジケータは、サポートレベルと抵抗レベルの精度を犠牲にすることなく最適なパフォーマンスを保証します。 入力 メイン設定 Timeframe:  この入力を通じて、より高い時間枠のサポートラインとレジスタンスラインをチャート上に表示することを選択できます。 Support/Resistance Strength [Number of Bars]:   この入力を使用して、サポートと抵抗の強度を決定できます。数が高いほど、サポート/抵抗がより強くなります。
The Volumebyprice.com Indicator for MetaTrader 5 features Volume Profile and Market Profile TPO (Time Price Opportunity). Volume and TPO histogram bar and line charts. Volume Footprint charts. TPO letter and block marker collapsed and split structure charts. Static, dynamic and flexible range segmentation and compositing methods with relative and absolute visualizations. Session hours filtering and segment concatenation with Market Watch and custom user specifications. Graphical layering, posit
This is an advanced multi-timeframe version of the popular Hull Moving Average (HMA) Features Two lines of the Hull indicator of different timeframes on the same chart. The HMA line of the higher timeframe defines the trend, and the HMA line of the current timeframe defines the short-term price movements. A graphical panel with HMA indicator data from all timeframes at the same time . If the HMA switched its direction on any timeframe, the panel displays a question or exclamation mark with a tex
このインジケーターは、チャート上のすべての注文 (トランザクション/注文ラインにクローズ) に対して既に設定した TP および SL 値 (その通貨で) を表示し、すべての注文の利益と損失を見積もるのに大いに役立ちます。また、PIP 値も表示されます。表示されている形式は、「利益または損失の通貨値 / PIP 値」です。 TP 値は緑色で表示され、SL 値は赤色で表示されます。 ご質問や詳細については、fxlife.asia@hotmail.com で販売者にお気軽にお問い合わせください。 (そして、近日中にインジケータに追加される次の機能は、「自動または半自動の TP および SL 設定」であり、お客様は無料で更新バージョンを入手できます。よろしくお願いします。) (または、表示に何か機能を追加すべきだと思われる場合は、お気軽にお申し付けください)
まず第一に、この取引ツールはノンリペイント、ノンリドロー、ノンラグの指標であり、プロの取引に理想的ですことを強調する価値があります。 オンラインコース、ユーザーマニュアル、デモ。 スマートプライスアクションコンセプトインジケーターは、新米から経験豊富なトレーダーまで、非常 に強力なツールです。Inner Circle Trader AnalysisやSmart Money Concepts Trading Strategiesなど、20以上の有用な指標を1つに組み合わせています。このインジケーターはスマートマネーコンセプトに焦点を当て、大手機関の取引方法を提供し、彼らの動きを予測するのに役立ちます。 特に、流動性分析に優れており、機関がどのように取引しているかを理解しやすくしています。市場のトレンドを予測し、価格の動きを慎重に分析するのに優れています。機関の戦略とトレードを合わせることで、市場の動向についてより正確な予測ができます。このインジケーターは多目的であり、市場構造を分析し、重要な注文ブロックを特定し、さまざまなパターンを認識するのに優れています。 このインジ
Your Trend Friend
Luigi Nunes Labigalini
5 (1)
The trend is your friend! Look at the color of the indicator and trade on that direction. It does not  repaint. After each candle is closed, that's the color of the trend. You can focus on shorter faster trends or major trends, just test what's most suitable for the symbol and timeframe you trade. Simply change the "Length" parameter and the indicator will automatically adapt. You can also change the color, thickness and style of the lines. Download and give it a try! There are big movements
The Riko Trend indicator is a revolutionary trend trading and filtering solution with all the important features of a trend tool built into one tool! The Riko Trend indicator is good for any trader, suitable for any trader for both forex and binary options. You don’t need to configure anything, everything is perfected by time and experience, it works great during a flat and in a trend. The Riko Trend indicator is a technical analysis tool for financial markets that reflects the current price
Volality Index scalper indicator  Meant for Volality pairs such as Volality 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100 The indicator works on all timeframes from the 1 minute to the monthly timeframe the indicator is non repaint the indicator has 3 entry settings 1 color change on zero cross 2 color change on slope change 3 color change on signal line cross Orange line is your sell signal Blue line is your buy signal.
Price Breakout pattern Scanner is the automatic scanner for traders and investors. It can detect following patterns automatically from your chart. Head and Shoulder - Common tradable pattern. Reverse Head and Shoulder - This pattern is the reverse formation of the Head and Shoulder. Double Top - When the price hits resistance level twice and decline toward the support level, the trader can anticipate sudden bearish breakout through the support level. Double Bottom - The double bottom pattern is
This indicator obeys the popular maxim that: "THE TREND IS YOUR FRIEND" It paints a Blue line for BUY and also paints a RED line for SELL. (you can change the colors). It gives alarms and alerts of all kinds. IT DOES NOT REPAINT COLOR and can be used for all currency pairs and timeframes. Yes, as easy and simple as that. Even a newbie can use it to make great and reliable trades. https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/115553
このインジケータは、AB = CDリトレースメントパターンを検出します。 AB = CDリトレースメントパターンは、初期価格セグメントが部分的にリトレースされ、プルバックの完了から等距離の動きが続く4ポイントの価格構造であり、すべての調和パターンの基本的な基盤です。 [ インストールガイド | 更新ガイド | トラブルシューティング | よくある質問 | すべての製品 ] カスタマイズ可能なパターンサイズ カスタマイズ可能なACおよびBD比率 カスタマイズ可能なブレイクアウト期間 カスタマイズ可能な線、色、サイズ CD fiboレベルに基づいてSLおよびTPレベルを表示します パターンとブレイクアウトの視覚/音声/プッシュ/メールアラート AB = CDリトレースメントは、かなり拡大して再描画できます。物事を簡単にするために、このインディケーターはひねりを実装します。トレードをシグナルする前に、正しい方向へのドンチャンブレイクアウトを待ちます。最終結果は、非常に信頼性の高い取引シグナルを備えた再描画インジケーターです。ドンチャンのブレイクアウト期間が入力として入力されます
Provided Trend is a complex signal formation indicator. As a result of the work of internal algorithms, you can see only three types of signals on your chart. The first is a buy signal, the second is a sell signal, and the third is a market exit signal. Options: CalcFlatSlow - The first parameter that controls the main function of splitting the price chart into waves. CalcFlatFast - The second parameter that controls the main function of splitting the price chart into waves. CalcFlatAvg - Par
The Antique Trend Indicator is a revolutionary trend trading and filtering solution with all the important features of a trend tool built into one tool! The Antique Trend indicator is good for any trader, suitable for any trader both for Forex and binary options. There is no need to configure anything, everything has been perfected by time and experience, it works great during flats and trends. The Antique Trend indicator is a tool for technical analysis of financial markets, reflecting curre
To download MT4 version please click here . This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "WaveTrend [LazyBear]" By "zeusuk3". One of the coolest indicators out there to detect overbought and oversold zones. It can be used as a part of more complicated strategy and for confirming a potential trade setup. There are buffers to use in EAs also. The indicator is loaded light and non-repaint. - You can message in private chat for further changes you need. Thanks for downloading 
無限からの通貨の強さを測定するためのこの革新的な指標は、長い間取引されているダフ屋やトレーダーにとって不可欠な助手です。 通貨の強さ/弱さを分析するためのシステムは、世界の主要なトレーダーによって市場で長い間知られており、使用されてきました。 任意の裁定取引は、この分析なしでは完全ではありません。 私たちの指標は、互いに関連して基本通貨の強さを簡単に決定します。 これは、インスタント分析を可能にし、最強のエントリポイントを検索し、すべてまたは現在の通貨ペアの折れ線グラフが表示されます。 インジケータは直感的で、すぐに見つけて任意のペアに切り替えることができ、地下室とメインチャートの両方に配置できるモバイルパネルがあります。 通貨の強さの変化の通知のタイマーモードは、トレーダーに電話で通知を受け取る機会を与えます。  通貨パワーメーターインフィニティ指標を使用するためのいくつかの戦略: 1. 通貨の強さの線形表示のチャートを使用して、交差点を新興トレンドの信号として検索します 2. トレンド反転信号が表示された後、強い通貨の方向に頭皮 3. 通貨の強さの発散分析を使用して、
まず最初に、このトレーディングシステムがリペイントされず、再描画されず、遅延しないことを強調する価値があります。これにより、プロのトレーディングに最適な状態になります。 オンラインコース、ユーザーマニュアル、デモ。 「スマートサポートアンドレジスタンストレーディングシステム」は、新規および経験豊富なトレーダー向けにカスタマイズされた高度なインジケーターです。この包括的なシステムは、7以上の戦略、10のインジケーター、およびデイトレード戦略、スイングトレード戦略、サポートおよびレジスタンス戦略、ローソク足パターン戦略、VWAP戦略、マルチタイムフレームトレンド戦略など、さまざまなトレーディングアプローチを組み合わせています。これは、矢印信号、エントリーポイント、出口ポイント、トレードアラート、より高い時間枠のトレンド分析、リアルタイムのトレードモニタリング、そして洞察力のあるトレンドとボリュームキャンドルの着色を提供します。自動的なサポートとレジスタンスの検出により、さまざまな市況下でトレーダーが的確な決定を下すのを支援する多面的なインジケーターとなっています。 スマートサポートア
To get access to MT4 version please click here . - This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "Stochastic Momentum Index" By "UCSgears". - This is a popular version of stochastic oscillator on tradingview. - This is a light-load processing and non-repaint indicator. - Buffers are available for the lines on chart. - You can message in private chat for further changes you need. Thanks for downloading
Cumulative delta indicator As most traders believe, the price moves under the pressure of market buying or selling. When someone redeems an offer standing in the cup, the deal is a "buy". If someone pours into the bid standing in the cup - the deal goes with the direction of "sale". The delta is the difference between purchases and sales. A cumulative delta - the difference between the cumulative sum of purchases and sales for a certain period of time. It allows you to see who is currently contr
Mine Farm is one of the most classic and time-tested scalping strategies based on the breakdown of strong price levels. Mine Farm is the author's modification of the system for determining entry and exit points into the market... Mine Farm - is the combination of great potential with reliability and safety. Why Mine Farm?! - each order has a short dynamic Stop Loss - the advisor does not use any risky methods (averaging, martingale, grid, locking, etc.) - the advisor tries to get
WHY IS OUR FXACCCURATE LS MT5 THE PROFITABLE ? PROTECT YOUR CAPITAL WITH RISK MANAGEMENT Gives entry, stop and target levels from time to time. It finds Trading opportunities by analyzing what the price is doing during established trends. POWERFUL INDICATOR FOR A RELIABLE STRATEGIES We have made these indicators with a lot of years of hard work. It is made at a very advanced level. Established trends provide dozens of trading opportunities, but most trend indicators completely ignore them!
Bill Williams Advanced is designed for automatic chart analysis using Bill Williams' "Profitunity" system. The indicator analyzes four timeframes at once. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) Advantages 1. Automatically analyzes the chart using the "Profitunity" system of Bill Williams. The found signals are placed in a table in the corner of the screen. 2. Equipped with a trend filter based on the Alligator indicator. Most of the system signals are recommended to be used only accordi
Vadym Zhukovskyi
5 (5)
iVISTscalp5インジケーターをご紹介します。このインジケーターは、トレーディングにおいて独自でありながら効果的です。時間データに基づくこのインジケーターは、多年にわたる経験と金融市場の深い分析の結果です。iVISTscalp5インジケーターは、手動トレーディングにとって優れたツールです。便利さ、簡単さ、可視化 - すべての複雑さが内部に隠されています。私たちは、iVISTscalp5インジケーターの設定と使用を最大限に簡素化しました。このインジケーターは、MT5ターミナルにあるすべての金融商品に適しています。 稼働時間は、4時から20時(UTC+3)です。 iVISTscalp5インジケーターメニュー(スクリーンショット1を参照): History - 引用を計算する週数 dT_min - 時間間隔の選択(分) TFline - 水平ボリュームの作成(時間枠) BARSline - 水平ボリュームの作成(バー数) TFtrend1 - デイリーチャンネルの作成(時間枠) BARStrend1 - デイリーチャンネルの作成(バー数) TFtrend2 - 週次チャンネルの作成(時
note: this indicator is for METATRADER4, if you want the version for METATRADER5 this is the link:  https://www.mql5.com/it/market/product/108106 TRENDMAESTRO ver 2.4 TRENDMAESTRO recognizes a new TREND in the bud, he never makes mistakes. The certainty of identifying a new TREND is priceless. DESCRIPTION TRENDMAESTRO identifies a new TREND in the bud, this indicator examines the volatility, volumes and momentum to identify the moment in which there is an explosion of one or more of these data a
VTrende Pro
Andrii Diachenko
5 (1)
VTrende Pro - MTF indicator for trend trading with a display panel for MT5 *** Videos can be translated into any language using subtitles (video language - Russian) Although the signals of the VTrende Pro indicator can be used as signals of a full-fledged trading system, it is recommended to use them in conjunction with the Bill Williams TS. VTrende Pro is an extended version of the VTrende indicator. Difference between Pro version and VTrende: - Time zones - Signal V - signal 1-2 waves
トレンドに乗りましょう。はい、買いでも売りでも、15分枠でエントリーシグナルを待ち、30分枠でシグナルが現れたらシグナルを確認します(シグナルが現れるまでに1時間以上かかる場合もあります。戻ることができます) 15分足に戻り、30分足に戻り、メインシグナルが現れるまでこれを繰り返し、30分足にシグナルが出たら価格でエントリーし、描画ラインが変化した時点で利益確定となります。 、利益が確定したとき、または反対のシグナルが現れたとき これは非常にシンプルで、すべての主要通貨で機能します。  メタル、インジケーター、すべてのフレームですが、最も良い結果は 30 分フレームです。 ストップロスは常にローソク足の底値よりも下に設定し、資本管理を超えてはなりません 資本金の10%
"Piranha" - an autonomous trading system that determines overbought and oversold levels on the chart. Red and blue zones represent overbought and oversold levels respectively. Entry points are marked with arrows: a downward arrow in the red zone for "sell" and an upward arrow in the blue zone for "buy". The Take profit level is indicated by the green moving average. Key features: Adjusting the Take profit level as the green moving average changes position. Averaging ability when a new market e
Currently Price  20% OFF  ( for unlimited use ) Indicator   USER MANUAL , trade setups, solving issues, etc :  Direct Download Here     (  for users only  ) Hello World! Introducing.. SMCpro tool and Indicator for  MetaTrader 5 , a cutting-edge feature designed to revolutionize your trading experience. With innovative ICT Smart Money Concept, you gain unparalleled insight into market dynamics, empowering you to make informed trading decisions like never before. SMC Indicator built on th
Introducing the Power Trade Plus indicator designed by a small group of traders with a few years of experience trading the market profitably.  The Power Trade Plus is derived from the Power Trade indicator,  the indicator strive in powerful sniper entries and take profit levels,  with an algorithm that's can determine the markets volatility and Provides entries based on the current market volatility. This indicator is much more effective in stock ,currencies and indices.
プレシジョン・インデックス・オシレーター(Pi-Osc)は、Precision Trading SystemsのRoger Medcalfによるものです。 バージョン2は、チャートにスーパーファストでロードされるように注意深く再コードされ、その他の技術的な改良も組み込まれて、エクスペリエンスを向上させています。 Pi-Oscは、市場が強制的に行かなければならない、すべての人のストップを取り除くためのポイントである、極限のエクソースト・ポイントを見つけるために設計された正確な取引タイミング信号を提供するために作成されました。 この製品は、極限のポイントがどこにあるかを知るという古代の問題を解決し、トレーダーの生活をはるかにシンプルにします。 これは、業界標準のオシレーターとは異なる強力な要素を持つ高度なコンセンサス・インジケーターです。 使用されている一部の機能には、需要指数、マネーフロー、RSI、スティリング、パターン認識、出来高分析、標準偏差の極値などがあり、異なる長さでこれらのバリエーションが多く含まれています。 初めて見ると、訓練されていない目には、他の
Limited Offer:    Take advantage of our limited-time offer on the FxBears Powers Indicator! When you purchase this powerful tool, you'll also receive the renowned FxBears EA, an expert advisor that automatically executes the indicator's signals. Don't miss out on this unbeatable combination to enhance your trading strategy! No more losses with this indicator, test it for years ago and see if there is losses in one day results. but before testing it please see the explaining video down here. 
Contact us to receive a comprehensive user guide after purchasing. William Delbert Gann, commonly known as W.D. Gann, was an exceptional market analyst renowned for his unique trading style in the early 20th century.  His trading techniques were based on a blend of mathematics, geometry, astrology, and ancient mathematics. Gann believed that stock market movements followed specific patterns and cycles, rather than being random. His methodologies, celebrated for their accuracy and relevance, con
The indicator is designed to close positions on the market in time. For example: to take profits ahead of schedule if the price has not reached TakeProfit, and the market is turning around. The indicator analyzes the momentum, not the trend. He does not give any information about the trend. The indicator is well suited for finding divergence. The Ershov 38 Parrots indicator dynamically adjusts to the market and detects price movement impulses of medium and high amplitude. It almost does not rea
このインジケーターは人工知能に基づいており、フットプリントを読み取ることで市場の反転ポイントの可能性を特定し、市場の小さな変動が発生する前に事前に通知します。 「遅い」エントリーを生成する価格や出来高のインジケーターとは異なり、つまり、方向の変化で価格または出来高の確認がすでに発生しており、したがって動きはすでに終了していることが多い場合、このインジケーターは、フットプリントは、「動きが起こるべきとき」に基づいているため、動きが始まったらすぐに市場に参入する可能性を提供します。 反転のシグナルを生成するだけでなく、すでに進行中のトレンドの継続のシグナルも生成します。 この指標は、人工知能のおかげで、各レベルの市場で実際に約定された契約を読み取ります (約定を待っているブック内の契約ではなく、約定直前にアルゴ取引によって削除されます)。 このインジケーターは、売り買いで実行された契約を区別することができます(したがって基本的に積極的な注文と消極的な注文を認識します)、それらが市場で約定される頻度と積極性を区別できます(したがって、大手オペレーターの「プッシュ」する意図を検出します)
このインジケーターはバイナリー オプションのエントリーシグナルを生成し、チャート上に矢印を描き、警告音を発します。 営業時間: 6.00 GMT/ 17.00 GMT (17.00 GMT以降および夜間は、ボラティリティが低すぎて取引量が不足するため推奨されません) ペア: EUR/USD (@EU6)、GBP/USD (BP6)。 時間枠: 1、2、3、5、10、15 分 最適な時間枠: 3 分 有効期限: キャンドル 1 本 このインジケーターが機能するには、実際のボリューム (ティックボリュームなし) が必要です。EUR/USD、GBP/USD ECC スポットペアでは機能しませんが、参照先物契約 (ティッカー) では機能します。したがって、メタトレーダー 5 のブローカーを使用する必要があります。リアルタイムで実際の出来高を伴う先物契約を提供します。 EUR/USD の参照先物: @EU6 GBP/USDの基準先物はBP6です。 リアルタイムで実ボリュームの先物を無料で提供するブローカーの 1 つが AMP GLOBAL です。 (mt5 で、ファ
Description This addon is originated from my own trading. I spent my whole time waiting for signals and just wanted a notification  when a specific signal appears. So i started to wrote my own addon and called it "LifetimeSaver", because thats exactly what it is for me. But because this addon should not only be for my personal trading, I extended the LifetimeSaver and now its highly customizable,  so that it can fit your needs. Functions: Notification at your defined target/signal Notificatio
EQ Cutrim Theory
Marco Aurelio Santos Costa
Ronal Cutrim has been a dedicated mathematician for 14 years and has more than 10 years of experience in the financial market. The concept of the theory is simple, find imbalance between buyers and sellers. Which makes a lot of sense, because nothing goes up forever, nothing falls forever.   When you find an asset with a mathematical probability of unbalanced equilibrium, it is a great way to get into trading:  TUTORIAL: Turn on the subtitles, the video is subtitled
The Smooth Price technical indicator is used for plotting a smoothed line as close to the price of the financial instrument as possible, and serves to eliminate its noise components. The indicator is part of the Monarch trading system, but here it is presented as an independent technical analysis tool. The indicator is based on the cluster digital filter , which, unlike the ClusterSMA , is applied directly to the price time series. Smooth Price does not redraw (except the very last, zero bar) an
Классификатор силы тренда. Показания на истории не меняет. Изменяется классификация только незакрытого бара. По идее подобен полной системе ASCTrend, сигнальный модуль которой, точнее его аппроксимация в несколько "урезанном" виде, есть в свободном доступе, а также в терминале как сигнальный индикатор SilverTrend . Точной копией системы ASCTrend не является. Работает на всех инструментах и всех временных диапазонах. Индикатор использует несколько некоррелируемых между собой алгоритмов для класси
Currency Index Watcher is a simple and user-friendly tool for whoever wish to trade Forex using currencies indexes. Currency Index Watcher is configurable and usable directly from the panel. Indexes of 8 custom currencies EUR, USD, GBP, JPY, CHF, AUD, CAD, NZD (default) Any 3-chars symbol from your market watch could be used (BTC = bitcoin, RUB = ruble, CNH = yuan etc ...) : double click the symbol label  Ability to select which currencies and made-of pairs will be analyzed : check/uncheck want
The SmartTrendMt5 trend indicator generates signals based on the principle of combined analysis of calculated reference points within the Keltner channel. The indicator plots the Keltner channel in a separate window (by default, red lines and a blue line - the middle of the channel), and also draws the histogram of calculated reference points for each candle (by default, the histogram bars are yellow). The should be attached to a chart of any timeframe and any trading symbol in the usual way.
Weis Wave with Alert MT5
Trade The Volume Waves Single Member P.C.
4.93 (15)
Rental/Lifetime Package Options and Privileges  * For optimum results the yearly or lifetime package is suggested due to live training ! Rent Monthly Six Months   Yearly/Lifetime Weis Wave with Speed with Alert+Speed Index x x x Manual  x x x Quick Set up Video x x x Blog x x x Lifetime Updates x x x Setup and Training Material x x Free Rectangle Break Alert Tool      x Discord Access Channel "The SI traders" x 2-hour live methodology training x How to trade with it:    http://ww
Forex Relative Performance indicator This indicator calculates the relative strength of major currencies against the US dollar. The basic idea behind this indicator is "to buy strong currency and to sell weak currency". This indicator allows you to quickly identify the best forex pair to trade according to your trading style (Intraday, Scalping, Swing, or Long Term)
The latest most requested Binary Options arrow indicator in the Garuda Signals product line is now on MT5! Binary options signal based on multiple time frame cross over analysis. Gets confirmation from the most consistent signals known to man; Ichimoku, SMA, Bollinger Bands; and also uses the 1 Hour time frame as trend confirmation , so you don't have to open up multiple chart and waste time. - Can be used for all time frames up to 1 hour, but is most POWERFUL for 1 and 5 min options. - Place yo
Funciona identificando picos de máximos y mínimos, para luego eliminarlos haciendo una linea o curva, pudiendo el usuario ingresar el valor de que tanto puede suavizar. Nos facilita poder ver la tendencia así como ver el cruce que puede hacer con otros indicadores, mostrando a simple vista los inicios y salidas de una tendencia u operación. Así también facilita la visualización de subidas y bajadas.
Indicador en base a la pendiente de la linea de precio, dibuja una línea de color cuando sube a base de los precios que previamente has sido procesados o linealizados, y cuando baja la pendiente la linea linealizada toma otro color. En este caso se a considerado 6 lineas de diferentes procesos desde pendientes largas hacia las cortas, observándose que cuando coincidan las pendientes se produce un máximo o mínimo, lo que a simple vista nos permitirá hacer una COMPRA O VENTA.
A scalping indicator based on mathematical patterns, which on average gives signals with relatively small SL, and also occasionally helps to catch big moves in the markets (more information in the video) This indicator has three main types of notifications: The first type warns of a possible/upcoming signal on the next bar The second type indicates the presence of a ready signal to enter the market/open a position The third type is for SL and TP levels - you will be notified every time price r
Индикатор Coefficient Of Determination (COD) представляет собой значение коэффициента детерминации или квадрат коэффициента корреляции между зависимой переменной — ценой и объясняющей переменной — тиковым объемом. Что это дает нам на практике? COD отлично распознает кульминацию трендовых движений, что позволяет подбирать оптимальные точки и ловить развороты рынка. Как использовать индикатор: Наиболее популярная торговая стратегия строится совместно с трендовым индикатором Moving Average (MA), пе
Fibonacci Múltiple 12, utiliza la serie fibonacci plasmado en el indicador fibonacci, aumentadolo 12 veces según su secuencia. El indicador fibonacci normalmente muestra una vez, el presente indicador se mostrara 12 veces empezando el numero que le indique siguiendo la secuencia. Se puede utilizar para ver la tendencia en periodos cortos y largos, de minutos a meses, solo aumentado el numero MULTIPLICA.
Recommended TimeFrame >= H1. 100% Non Repainted at any moment.  Use it carefully, only with Trend Direction. Trading Usage: 2 Variants: as Range System or as BreakOut System (Both Only With Trend Direction)::: (Always use StopLoss for minimise Risk); [1] as Range System: (Recommended) in UP TREND:  - BUY in Blue Line , then if price goes down by 50 points (on H1) open Second BUY.   Close in any Profit you wish: TrailingStop(45 points) or Close when Price touches upper Gold Line. in DOWN TR
EFW Pattern Trader is a powerful pattern scanner for Forex and Stock trading. The pattern detection in EFW Pattern Trader uses the Fractal Wave Theory, which captures the endless up and down movement of the market. Therefore, EFW Pattern Trader can be considered as the robust price action indicator. Any patterns in EFW Pattern Trader can be backtested visually in your strategy tester. Visual backtesting with pattern will show you how pattern will likely behave in the live trading. Therefore, you
Introduction to Fractal Pattern Scanner Fractal Indicator refers to the technical indicator that makes use of the fractal geometry found in the financial market. Fractal Pattern Scanner is the advanced Fractal Indicator that brings the latest trading technology after the extensive research and development work in the fractal geometry in the financial market. The most important feature in Fractal Pattern Scanner is the ability to measure the turning point probability as well as the trend probabil
Introduction To Turning Point Indicator The trajectories of Financial Market movement are very much like the polynomial curvatures with the presence of random fluctuations. It is quite common to read that scientist can decompose the financial data into many different cyclic components. If or any if the financial market possess at least one cycle, then the turning point must be present for that financial market data. With this assumption, most of financial market data should possesses the multipl
Ace Supply Demand Zone Indicator The concept of supply demand relies on the quantity mismatching between buying and selling volumes in the financial market. Supply and demand zone can provide the good entry and exit. A zone is easier to trade than a line. The supply demand zone can provide the detailed trading plan and the risk management. Its ability to predict market direction is high. There are two distinctive points about Ace Supply Demand Zone Indicator. Ace Supply Demand Zone indicator was
Introduction to Chart Pattern MT Chart Pattern MT is a chart pattern scanner to detect the triangle pattern, falling wedge pattern, rising wedge pattern, channel pattern and so on. Chart Pattern MT uses highly sophisticated chart pattern detection algorithm. However, we have designed it in the easy to use with intuitive user interface. Chart Pattern MT will show all the patterns in your chart in the most efficient format for your trading. You do not have to do tedious manual pattern detection an
How to use Pair Trading Station Pair Trading Station is recommended for H1 time frame and you can use it for any currency pairs. To generate buy and sell signal, follow few steps below to apply Pair Trading Station to your MetaTrader terminal. When you load Pair Trading Station on your chart, Pair Trading station will assess available historical data in your MetaTrader platforms for each currency pair. On your chart, the amount of historical data available will be displayed for each currency pai
Mean Reversion Supply Demand Indicator Mean Reversion Supply Demand is the indicator to detect the important supply demand zone in your chart. The concept of supply demand trading relies on the quantity mismatching between buying and selling volumes in the financial market. Typically, supply demand zone serves to predict the turning point. The wave pattern, for any supply demand zone to work as an successful trade, looks like the price must touch the base zone, move away and then return to zone
Introduction to Fractal Pattern Scanner Fractal Indicator refers to the technical indicator that makes use of the fractal geometry found in the financial market. Fractal Pattern Scanner is the advanced Fractal Indicator that brings the latest trading technology after the extensive research and development work in the fractal geometry in the financial market. The most important feature in Fractal Pattern Scanner is the ability to measure the turning point probability as well as the trend probabi
Introduction to X3 Chart Pattern Scanner X3 Cherart Pattern Scanner is the non-repainting and non-lagging indicator detecting X3 chart patterns including Harmonic pattern, Elliott Wave pattern, X3 patterns, and Japanese Candlestick patterns. Historical patterns match with signal patterns. Hence, you can readily develop the solid trading strategy in your chart. More importantly, this superb pattern scanner can detect the optimal pattern of its kind. In addition, you can switch on and off individu
Introduction to X3 Chart Pattern Scanner X3 Cherart Pattern Scanner is the non-repainting and non-lagging indicator detecting X3 chart patterns including Harmonic pattern, Elliott Wave pattern, X3 patterns, and Japanese Candlestick patterns. Historical patterns match with signal patterns. Hence, you can readily develop the solid trading strategy in your chart. More importantly, this superb pattern scanner can detect the optimal pattern of its kind. In addition, you can switch on and off individu
Elliott Wave Trend was designed for the scientific wave counting. This tool focuses to get rid of the vagueness of the classic Elliott Wave Counting using the guideline from the template and pattern approach. In doing so, firstly Elliott Wave Trend offers the template for your wave counting. Secondly, it offers Wave Structural Score to assist to identify accurate wave formation. It offers both impulse wave Structural Score and corrective wave Structure Score. Structural Score is the rating to sh
Peak Trough Analysis is the great tool to detect peaks and troughs in your chart. Peak Trough Analysis tool can use three different peaks and troughs detection algorithm. The three algorithm include the orignal Fractals Indicator by Bill Williams, the Modified Fractals indicator and ZigZag indicator. You can use this peak and trough analysis tool to detect the price pattern made up from Equilibrium Fractal-Wave process. For further usage, there are good guide line on how to use this peak trough
Introduction This indicator detects volume spread patterns for buy and sell opportunity. The patterns include demand and supply patterns. You might use each pattern for trading. However, these patterns are best used to detect the demand zone (=accumulation area) and supply zone (=distribution area). Demand pattern indicates generally potential buying opportunity. Supply pattern indicates generally potential selling opportunity. These are the underlying patterns rather than direct price action. T
Introduction To Time Box Indicator Time Box Indicator is a must have indicator for any trader. It will display daily, weekly and Monthly box according to your preferences. Yet, you can extend any important price levels in your chart automatically. You can use them as the significant support and resistance levels. It is very simple but effective tool for your trading. Graphic Setting Use White Chart Line Style for Current Open price Daily Setting Update Timeframe for daily box Number of days
Introduction Excessive Momentum Indicator is the momentum indicator to measure the excessive momentum directly from raw price series. Hence, this is an extended price action and pattern trading. Excessive Momentum Indicator was originally developed by Young Ho Seo. This indicator demonstrates the concept of Equilibrium Fractal Wave and Practical Application at the same time. Excessive Momentum detects the market anomaly. Excessive momentum will give us a lot of clue about potential reversal and
Introduction to EFW Analytics EFW Analytics was designed to accomplish the statement "We trade because there are regularities in the financial market". EFW Analytics is a set of tools designed to maximize your trading performance by capturing the repeating fractal geometry, known as the fifth regularity in the financial market. The functionality of EFW Analytics consists of three parts. Firstly, Equilibrium Fractal Wave Index is an exploratory tool to support your trading logic to choose which r
Ace Supply Demand Zone Indicator The concept of supply demand relies on the quantity mismatching between buying and selling volumes in the financial market. Supply and demand zone can provide the good entry and exit. A zone is easier to trade than a line. The supply demand zone can provide the detailed trading plan and the risk management. Its ability to predict market direction is high. There are two distinctive points about Ace Supply Demand Zone Indicator. Ace Supply Demand Zone indicator was
Introduction This indicator detects volume spread patterns for buy and sell opportunity. The patterns include demand and supply patterns. You might use each pattern for trading. However, these patterns are best used to detect the demand zone (=accumulation area) and supply zone (=distribution area). Demand pattern indicates generally potential buying opportunity. Supply pattern indicates generally potential selling opportunity. These are the underlying patterns rather than direct price action. T
Introduction to Fractal Moving Average Fractal Moving Average indicator was designed as part of Fractal Pattern Scanner. Inside Fractal Pattern Scanner, Fractal Moving Average Indicator was implemented as multiple of chart objects. With over thousands of chart object, we find that it was not the best and efficient ways to operate the indicator. It was computationally too heavy for the indicator. Hence, we decide to implement the indicator version of Fractal Moving Average indicator to benefit ou
Introduction Auto Chart Alert is a convenient tool to set alert for your trading in your chart. With Auto Chart Alert, you can set the alert line in one click in your desired location in your chart. You can even set alert over the sloped lines in your chart. Auto Chart Alert is a great tool when you have to watch out importnat support and resistance levels for your trading. You can receive the sound alert, email and push notification when the price hit the alert line at you desired location. A
Peak Trough Analysis is the great tool to detect peaks and troughs in your chart. Peak Trough Analysis tool can use three different peaks and troughs detection algorithm. The three algorithm include the orignal Fractals Indicator by Bill Williams, the Modified Fractals indicator and ZigZag indicator. You can use this peak and trough analysis tool to detect the price pattern made up from Equilibrium Fractal-Wave process. For further usage, there are good guide line on how to use this peak trough
Introduction to Fractal Moving Average Fractal Moving Average indicator was designed as part of Fractal Pattern Scanner. Inside Fractal Pattern Scanner, Fractal Moving Average Indicator was implemented as multiple of chart objects. With over thousands of chart object, we find that it was not the best and efficient ways to operate the indicator. It was computationally too heavy for the indicator. Hence, we decide to implement the indicator version of Fractal Moving Average indicator to benefit
Introduction to Sideways Market Analyzer Notable period of Low volatility and non-trending movements in the financial market is considered as Sideways Market. Sooner or later, the low volatility will increase and the price will pick up a trend after Sideways Market. In terms of trading point of view, Sideways Market can serve as the very good entry timing for traders. Sideways Market is also quite often the representation of accumulation of large orders from big investors. Therefore, knowing the
Introduction to Fibonacci Volatility Indicator Volatility indicator can help you to detect any statistical advantage for your trading. Especially, if you are trading with Price Action and Price Patterns, then we recommend to use the Volatility indicator together with your strategy. Especically, Fibonacci Volatility indicator combines the market volatiltiy with Fibonacci Analysis to provide you more advanced volatiltiy indicator. Main Features Fibonacci Volatility in Z score Configuration Mode Fi
Introduction Harmonic Patterns are best used to predict potential turning point. Traditionally, Harmonic Pattern was identified manually connecting peaks and troughs points in the chart. Manual harmonic pattern detection is painfully tedious and not suitable for everyone. You are often exposed under subjective pattern identification with manual pattern detection. To avoid these limitations, Harmonic Pattern Plus was designed to automate your harmonic pattern detection process. The functionality
Introduction to Order Risk Management EA ORM EA is specially designed for fast and accurate market order execution to be used with our Price Action and Econometric Trading strategies listed below. ORM EA is fully automatic and ORM EA is also very easy to use. ORM EA is totally free of charge. You can also use this robust order execution feature of this ORM EA for any other your own trading strategy. Trading Strategy Guide Order Risk Management EA provides the guide for the risk management for
Introduction To Time Box Indicator Time Box Indicator is a must have indicator for any trader. It will display daily, weekly and Monthly box according to your preferences. Yet, you can extend any important price levels in your chart automatically. You can use them as the significant support and resistance levels. It is very simple but effective tool for your trading. Graphic Setting Use White Chart Line Style for Current Open price Daily Setting Update Timeframe for daily box Number of days
Introduction to GARCH Indicator GARCH is the short initial for Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity and it is the volatility prediction model commonly used in financial industry. GARCH model was first appeared in the work by Danish Economist, Tim Peter Bollerslev in 1986. The 2003 Nobel Prize winner, Robert F Engle also added much contribution for the refinement of GARCH model with Tim’s work. Our GARCH INM predictor took the original method of Nelder Mead for GARCH model bu
Introduction to Double Harmonic Volatility Indicator Use of the Fibonacci analysis for financial trading can nearly go back to 85 years from today since the birth of Elliott Wave Theory by R. N. Elliott. Until now, traders use the Fibonacci analysis to identify the patterns in the price series. Yet, we could not find any one attempted to use Fibonacci analysis for the Volatility. Harmonic Volatility Indicator was the first technical analysis applying the Fibonacci analysis to the financial Volat
Introduction to GARCH Indicator GARCH is the short initial for Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity and it is the volatility prediction model commonly used in financial industry. GARCH model was first appeared in the work by Danish Economist, Tim Peter Bollerslev in 1986. The 2003 Nobel Prize winner, Robert F Engle also added much contribution for the refinement of GARCH model with Tim’s work. Our GARCH INM predictor took the original method of Nelder Mead for GARCH model bu
Maxwell Onyolu
Maxwell Onyolu 2020.04.14 11:36 

You can tell that so much work has gone into building the product, so far its a massive secondary confirmation tool for my trading decisions!

バージョン 7.2 2021.10.13
In version 7.2, Pairs Trading Station include Buy Asset and Sell Asset in the Potential Entry Alert. I have also enabled to set the Entry Alert Limit as low as 3.0 in input setting. But still, when you are new to pairs trading, try to use the extreme spread for potential entry, which is over 3.5 in case of Forex and over 4.0 in case of Stock market.
バージョン 7.1 2020.12.15
In version 7.1, we made a minor update on its statistical calculation algorithm inside Pairs Trading Station. There is no change in terms of the functionality. However, we still recommend you to use this latset version of Pairs Trading Station because the algorithm is improved in version 7.1.
バージョン 7.0 2019.01.07
In Version 7.0, Simple Moving Average Line was added to help your market timing better.
バージョン 6.7 2018.11.07
In Version 6.7, we have added cool text "Computing Matrix". Enjoy this powerful tool for your trading and investment.
バージョン 6.6 2018.11.01
In version 6.6, you can reload data length by clicking Spread button. Click Spread button when the data length in your market watch is not loaded fully.
バージョン 6.5 2018.08.27
In Version 6.5, you can run Pair Trading Station with our provided Analytical Suite together (i.e. Window App).
バージョン 6.2 2017.07.27
In version 6.2, user can set the location of display panel.
バージョン 6.1 2017.06.22
In Version 6.1, Pair Trading Station can send you alert. Following six variables are added.

Entry Alert Limit (must be greater than 3.5): User specified Entry limit
Exit Alert Limit (must be smaller than 1.0): User specified Exit limit
Aert Interval in Minutes: 60 minutes is default
Use Sound Alert: switch on and off sound alert
Use Email Alert: switch on and off email alert
Use Push notification alert: switch on and off push notification