MT5 Local Trade Copier Pro
- Utilitaires
- Biswarup Banerjee
- Version: 23.0
- Mise à jour: 16 décembre 2024
- Activations: 20
About The Product
This is an MT5 expert advisor which will let the end user to copy trades from a source mt5 account to N different mt5/mt4 account in the same pc. It is specially useful when you want to copy your trades from an account to several client account or accounts which will have different parameter for those trades. This product provides options to copy trades with different options as well as copy them in reverse.
Note: Download and test the MT5 Local Trade Copier Pro demo version on your demo account here
Complete User Guideline & Inputs
- Customizable lot size in desitination account
- Customizable stoploss and take profit in destination account
- Copy stoploss and take profit from source account
- Copy closing of trades from source to destination accounts
- Martingale copy trades in destination account upon loosing
- Copy symbols with suffix
- Copy trade reversely(SL and TP would be reverse as well)
- Can put the trade comments(enable/disable)
- Copy in proportion(Fractional multipler is also supported. Example source lot 0.2 multiplier 0.5 then destination lot 0.1)
- Copy Modification of trades
- Copy Pending Order
- Copy delete of Pending Order
- Limit number of open transactions in destination account
- Limit number of closed trades per day
- Lots of other risk managment features
- Copies trades from MT5 to MT4 account
Each time when user start from begining he should put a unique magic number. Otherwise martingale logic will not work. This is extremely improtant. source and destination should have the same configuration. To avoid confusion save the as set files.
By default destination lot size should be 0. in this case source lot size will be copied. But if user want to copy with his own lot size in destination then destination lot size should be mention.
e.g when destination lot size 0 and martingale coefficient is 2
if source lot size is 0.03 => destination lot will be copied as 0.03
if lost then next lot will be .06
when destination lot size 0.02
if source lot size is 0.03 => destination lot will be copied as 0.02
if lost next lot will be .04
This EA didn't work for me at all, it had terrible issues with PropFirms accounts, so I just found a free EA (CopyCats) that works smoothly and much better than this paid EA. But my first thought were that paid EAs are better so I just bought it blindly when I saw it has so many options.
I gave you teamviewer as you didn't believe that it was not working, then you connected and saw yourself that it didn't work, and you promised a refund but never did that.
So I just can tell anybody who comes here to buy this EA , just don't buy it as it doesn't work but get a free EA as above stated by me .....