Discovery Plus
0 comentarios
32 semanas
0 / 0 USD
incremento desde 2023 28%
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  • Equidad
  • Reducción
Total de Trades:
Transacciones Rentables:
336 (87.50%)
Transacciones Irrentables:
48 (12.50%)
Mejor transacción:
15.01 GBP
Peor transacción:
-39.63 GBP
Beneficio Bruto:
463.30 GBP (56 121 pips)
Pérdidas Brutas:
-322.10 GBP (37 537 pips)
Máximo de ganancias consecutivas:
35 (33.80 GBP)
Beneficio máximo consecutivo:
33.80 GBP (35)
Ratio de Sharpe:
Actividad comercial:
Carga máxima del depósito:
Último trade:
1 día
Trades a la semana:
Tiempo medio de espera:
2 días
Factor de Recuperación:
Transacciones Largas:
173 (45.05%)
Transacciones Cortas:
211 (54.95%)
Factor de Beneficio:
Beneficio Esperado:
0.37 GBP
Beneficio medio:
1.38 GBP
Pérdidas medias:
-6.71 GBP
Máximo de pérdidas consecutivas:
5 (-88.11 GBP)
Pérdidas máximas consecutivas:
-91.35 GBP (3)
Crecimiento al mes:
Pronóstico anual:
Trading algorítmico:
Reducción de balance:
68.36 GBP
94.07 GBP (17.54%)
Reducción relativa:
De balance:
17.54% (94.07 GBP)
De fondos:
33.83% (216.89 GBP)


Símbolo Transacciones Sell Buy
20 40 60 80
20 40 60 80
20 40 60 80
Símbolo Beneficio Bruto, USD Loss, USD Beneficio, USD
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
Símbolo Beneficio Bruto, pips Loss, pips Beneficio, pips
2.5K 5K 7.5K 10K 13K 15K 18K 20K 23K 25K 28K 30K
2.5K 5K 7.5K 10K 13K 15K 18K 20K 23K 25K 28K 30K
2.5K 5K 7.5K 10K 13K 15K 18K 20K 23K 25K 28K 30K
  • Deposit load
  • Reducción
Mejor transacción: +15.01 GBP
Peor transacción: -40 GBP
Máximo de ganancias consecutivas: 35
Máximo de pérdidas consecutivas: 3
Beneficio máximo consecutivo: +33.80 GBP
Pérdidas máximas consecutivas: -88.11 GBP

El deslizamiento medio a base de la estadística de ejecución en las cuentas reales de diferentes corredores se indica en puntos. Depende de la diferencia de las cotizaciones del proveedor de "DecodeGlobalLtd-Main Server" y del suscriptor, así como del retardo en ejecutar las órdenes. Cuanto menos sea este valor, mejor será la calidad del copiado.

No hay datos

This signal is geared towards starting with a smaller balance but with increased risk, please note the following

  • Currently 6 pairs are going to be traded - therefore there may be times when there is little activity
  • The risk is increased as the balance is less to cover the market swings and drawdown might be higher than the other signals
  • Very important to have a money management plan - please see money management section below to help formulate yours
  • There will be a maximum of 5 trades for each currency pair
  • All trades will start at 0.01 and will continue to increase in size in a grid format 
  • There is a safety measure that when cumulative loss on the trades for 1 currency pair reaches 17% (approx) then these will be closed by the EA for a loss 
  • Approx at the end/start of each month the profit will be withdrawn from the account bringing the balance back to 500

Discovery EA

The EA that powers this and some of my other signals is available to purchase at 

All the set files are available for each of the signals and the EA is fully customisable if you so wish to try your own settings.

Money Management 

The reason for a money plan is that any trading / signal has risk and this signal is no different. So to protect yourself from the risk you need a balanced approach (more on that later), but you need to protect your investment as best as possible.

Please review these options and select one in advance, write it down to remind yourself of your plan in the future. Or create your own plan and stick to it. The record how much you withdraw and when to make sure you realise when you have withdrawn your initial investment.

I will be following Option 1 for my money management plan and I will be letting everyone know when I plan to withdraw.  

Option 1 -

  • withdraw the profit on a regular basis - monthly at a similar time that I do it
  • until you have withdrawn all your initial investment 
  • this could take a few months more than waiting but each month you withdraw profit there is less of your initial investment at risk
  • once initial investment completely withdrawn, you have options

Option 2 - 

  • wait until the account doubles and then remove all of your initial investment at once
  • this will be quicker than option 1 but the risk remains during this period for your whole investment 
  • once initial investment completely withdrawn, you have options

Balanced Approach

In my opinion the overall aim is to recycle your original investment (excluding running costs - i.e. VPS and Signal Fee).

Therefore say you invest 500 in this account and withdraw your original investment out over a period of time, then I would look for another signal to invest into and repeat the process with the aim to build up a portfolio of say 5 live accounts. Then worst case should 1 go into difficulties then all your eggs (so to speak) are not in the same basket. This will take time, discipline and luck but I believe this is a sound approach along with a robust money management plan that every trade should have.

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2024.06.05 03:11
High current drawdown in 30% indicates the absence of risk limitation
2024.06.04 21:29
Removed warning: High current drawdown indicates the absence of risk limitation
2024.06.04 20:28
High current drawdown in 31% indicates the absence of risk limitation
2024.06.04 18:07
Removed warning: High current drawdown indicates the absence of risk limitation
2024.06.04 16:04
High current drawdown in 30% indicates the absence of risk limitation
2024.06.04 10:54
Removed warning: High current drawdown indicates the absence of risk limitation
2024.06.04 09:53
High current drawdown in 31% indicates the absence of risk limitation
2024.06.04 08:52
Removed warning: High current drawdown indicates the absence of risk limitation
2024.06.04 05:29
High current drawdown in 30% indicates the absence of risk limitation
2024.06.04 04:28
Removed warning: High current drawdown indicates the absence of risk limitation
2024.06.04 00:04
Removed warning: No trading activity detected on the Signal's account for the recent period
2024.06.02 17:20
No trading activity detected on the Signal's account for the last 6 days
2024.04.02 17:49
Share of days for 80% of growth is too low
2024.04.02 11:09
80% of growth achieved within 9 days. This comprises 4.97% of days out of 181 days of the signal's entire lifetime.
2024.03.28 13:12
Share of days for 80% of growth is too low
2024.02.05 08:32
80% of growth achieved within 1 days. This comprises 0.81% of days out of 124 days of the signal's entire lifetime.
2023.12.28 11:23
Removed warning: No trading activity detected on the Signal's account for the recent period
2023.12.27 17:40
No trading activity detected on the Signal's account for the last 6 days
2023.12.14 12:30
Removed warning: This is a newly opened account. Trading results may be of random nature
2023.12.12 16:40
Share of days for 80% of growth is too low
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