147 semanas (since 2021)
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  • Equidad
  • Reducción
Total de Trades:
1 257
Transacciones Rentables:
719 (57.19%)
Transacciones Irrentables:
538 (42.80%)
Mejor transacción:
144.85 USD
Peor transacción:
-398.22 USD
Beneficio Bruto:
12 470.45 USD (373 578 pips)
Pérdidas Brutas:
-10 300.54 USD (260 714 pips)
Máximo de ganancias consecutivas:
16 (165.75 USD)
Beneficio máximo consecutivo:
350.25 USD (7)
Ratio de Sharpe:
Actividad comercial:
Carga máxima del depósito:
Último trade:
8 días
Trades a la semana:
Tiempo medio de espera:
7 días
Factor de Recuperación:
Transacciones Largas:
783 (62.29%)
Transacciones Cortas:
474 (37.71%)
Factor de Beneficio:
Beneficio Esperado:
1.73 USD
Beneficio medio:
17.34 USD
Pérdidas medias:
-19.15 USD
Máximo de pérdidas consecutivas:
11 (-296.41 USD)
Pérdidas máximas consecutivas:
-941.59 USD (9)
Crecimiento al mes:
Pronóstico anual:
Trading algorítmico:


Símbolo Transacciones Sell Buy
USDCHF.1 1254
250 500 750 1K 1.3K 1.5K 1.8K 2K
250 500 750 1K 1.3K 1.5K 1.8K 2K
250 500 750 1K 1.3K 1.5K 1.8K 2K
Símbolo Beneficio Bruto, USD Loss, USD Beneficio, USD
2.5K 5K 7.5K 10K 13K 15K 18K 20K 23K 25K 28K 30K
2.5K 5K 7.5K 10K 13K 15K 18K 20K 23K 25K 28K 30K
2.5K 5K 7.5K 10K 13K 15K 18K 20K 23K 25K 28K 30K
Símbolo Beneficio Bruto, pips Loss, pips Beneficio, pips
AUDCAD.1 -18
GBPCHF.1 -228
200K 400K 600K
200K 400K 600K
200K 400K 600K


Mejor transacción:
144.85 USD
Máximo de ganancias consecutivas:
16 (165.75 USD)
Beneficio máximo consecutivo:
350.25 USD (7)
Peor transacción:
-398.22 USD
Máximo de pérdidas consecutivas:
11 (-296.41 USD)
Pérdidas máximas consecutivas:
-941.59 USD (9)
Reducción de balance:
0.93 USD
2 033.99 USD (47.62%)
Reducción relativa:
De balance:
44.59% (2 033.99 USD)
De fondos:
96.41% (5 100.36 USD)

Gráficos punteados de distribución MFE y MAE

Durante la vida de cada orden abierta se registran los valores del beneficio máximo (MFE) y pérdida máxima (MAE). Estos índices caracterizan adicionalmente cada orden cerrada con los valores del potencial máximo no realizado y el riesgo máximo cometido. En los gráficos de distribución MFE/Profit y MAE/Profit a cada orden le corresponde un punto donde por la horizontal se da el valor del beneficio/pérdida obtenido/a, y por la vertical se dan los valores del máximo beneficio potencial (MFE) y la máxima pérdida potencial (MAE).

No hay datos
No hay datos

Sitúe el cursor sobre los índices/leyendas de los gráficos para ver las mejores y las peores series de trading. Puede encontrar más detalles sobre las distribuciones MAE y MFE en el artículo Las matemáticas en el trading. Evaluación de los resultados de las transacciones comerciales.

El deslizamiento medio a base de la estadística de ejecución en las cuentas reales de diferentes corredores se indica en puntos. Depende de la diferencia de las cotizaciones del proveedor de "BCS-Real" y del suscriptor, así como del retardo en ejecutar las órdenes. Cuanto menos sea este valor, mejor será la calidad del copiado.

No hay datos

Good afternoon!

System description: Medium-term trading is conducted in semi-automatic mode. As an alternative to stop loss, I use a multi-stage entry into a position to manage leverage at the moment, and the system also provides reserve capital for an emergency reduction of leverage. In this regard, I do not always use stop loss. Those who do not agree with this alternative, I advise you to choose a different signal.

Quote - USD/CHF

Planned yield of 15% per month
Working drawdown from 10%-25%
Maximum drawdown up to 45%

The minimum deposit for copying is at least half of my deposit at the time of connection.
Recommended deposit – equal to my deposit (or a multiple of my deposit)
Your terminal should work around the clock
Works only on MT4
Have in stock:
Reserve capital No.1=deposit*2 (RK1)
Reserve capital No. 2=deposit*4 (RK2)

Important! (Risk Warning): When it comes to a yield of 15% per month, you should understand that trading is at high risks. Therefore, for this type of investment, it is necessary to allocate no more than 10-15% of your total capital. It must be remembered that sooner or later there may be a strong movement against the trader, which is why one of the conditions of trading under my system is the availability of a reserve - capital RK1 and RK2 (Example: deposit = $ 1000, then RK1 = $ 2000, RK2 = $ 4000). You should be able to supplement your balance +RK1 during the day when you reach 40% drawdown. If your funds last longer, it is worth using the reserve capital when the drawdown reaches 30%. Reserve capital can be held in bonds on the stock market (I do it myself).

With each doubling of the account, always withdraw half of the profit/gain (Example: deposit =$ 1000 +$1000 profit - $ 500 withdrawal)

Sincerely, Ruslan.
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2024.04.19 09:51
Removed warning: No trading activity detected on the Signal's account for the recent period
2024.04.10 23:57
Removed warning: No trading activity detected on the Signal's account for the recent period
2024.04.10 22:37
Removed warning: No trading activity detected on the Signal's account for the recent period
2024.03.20 09:01
Removed warning: No trading activity detected on the Signal's account for the recent period
2024.03.01 08:36
Removed warning: No trading activity detected on the Signal's account for the recent period
2024.03.01 07:36
Removed warning: No trading activity detected on the Signal's account for the recent period
2024.01.04 15:38
Removed warning: Too frequent deals may negatively impact copying results
2024.01.04 14:36
Removed warning: Too frequent deals may negatively impact copying results
2024.01.02 15:02
Too frequent deals may negatively impact copying results
2024.01.02 13:28
Too frequent deals may negatively impact copying results
2024.01.02 12:26
Too frequent deals may negatively impact copying results
2023.12.06 20:42
Removed warning: No trading activity detected on the Signal's account for the recent period
2023.11.16 15:30
High current drawdown in 33% indicates the absence of risk limitation
2023.11.16 14:19
Removed warning: High current drawdown indicates the absence of risk limitation
2023.11.15 04:06
High current drawdown in 31% indicates the absence of risk limitation
2023.11.15 01:51
Removed warning: High current drawdown indicates the absence of risk limitation
2023.11.14 20:19
High current drawdown in 31% indicates the absence of risk limitation
2023.11.14 16:54
Removed warning: No trading activity detected on the Signal's account for the recent period
2023.11.12 23:43
No trading activity detected on the Signal's account for the last 6 days
2023.10.24 12:17
Removed warning: High current drawdown indicates the absence of risk limitation
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