Discusión sobre el artículo "Otras clases en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 69): Clases de colección de objetos de gráfico"


Artículo publicado Otras clases en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 69): Clases de colección de objetos de gráfico:

A partir de este artículo, comenzaremos el desarrollo de una colección de clases de objetos de gráfico que almacenará una colección de lista de objetos de gráfico con sus subventanas y los indicadores en ellas, y nos permitirá trabajar con cualquier gráfico seleccionado y sus subventanas, o bien directamente con una lista de varios gráficos al mismo tiempo.

Después de iniciar el asesor, en el diario se mostrarán los datos sobre los objetos de la colección de objetos de gráfico y sobre el gráfico con el programa:
Chart collection:
- Main chart window EURUSD H4 ID: 131733844391938630, HWND: 920114, Subwindows: 1
- Main chart window GBPUSD H4 ID: 131733844391938633, HWND: 592798, Subwindows: No
- Main chart window AUDUSD H1 ID: 131733844391938634, HWND: 527424, Subwindows: 2
- Main chart window USDRUB H4 ID: 131733844391938635, HWND: 920468, Subwindows: No
Subscribed to Depth of Market EURUSD
Library initialization time: 00:00:05.922
============= The beginning of the parameter list (Main chart window EURUSD H4) =============
Chart ID: 131733844391938630
Timeframe: H4
Drawing attributes of a price chart: Yes
Object "Chart": No
Chart on top of other charts: No
Accessing the context menu by pressing the right mouse button: Yes
Accessing the "Crosshair tool" by pressing the middle mouse button: Yes
Scrolling the chart horizontally using the left mouse button: Yes
Sending messages about mouse wheel events to all mql5 programs on a chart: No
Send notifications of mouse move and mouse click events to all mql5 programs on a chart: No
Send a notification of an event of new object creation to all mql5-programs on a chart: No
Send a notification of an event of object deletion to all mql5-programs on a chart: No
Chart type: Display as Japanese candlesticks
Price chart in the foreground: No
Price chart indent from the right border: Yes
Automatic moving to the right border of the chart: Yes
Managing the chart using a keyboard: Yes
Allowed to intercept Space and Enter key presses on the chart to activate the quick navigation bar: Yes
Scale: 2
Fixed scale mode: No
Scale 1:1 mode: No
Scale to be specified in points per bar: No
Display a symbol ticker in the upper left corner: Yes
Display OHLC values in the upper left corner: Yes
Display Bid values as a horizontal line in a chart: Yes
Display Ask values as a horizontal line in a chart: Yes
Display Last values as a horizontal line in a chart: No
Display vertical separators between adjacent periods: No
Display grid in the chart: No
Display volume in the chart: Trade volumes
Display textual descriptions of objects: Yes
The number of bars on the chart that can be displayed: 137
The total number of chart windows, including indicator subwindows: 2
Chart window handle: 920114
Number of the first visible bar in the chart: 136
Chart width in bars: 168
Chart width in pixels: 670
 Main chart window:
 - Chart height in pixels: 293
 Chart subwindow 1:
 - The distance between the upper frame of the indicator subwindow and the upper frame of the main chart window: 295
 - Chart height in pixels: 21
Chart background color: clrWhite
Color of axes, scales and OHLC line: clrBlack
Grid color: clrSilver
Color of volumes and position opening levels: clrGreen
Color for the up bar, shadows and body borders of bull candlesticks: clrBlack
Color for the down bar, shadows and body borders of bear candlesticks: clrBlack
Line chart color and color of "Doji" Japanese candlesticks: clrBlack
Body color of a bull candlestick: clrWhite
Body color of a bear candlestick: clrBlack
Bid price level color: clrLightSkyBlue
Ask price level color: clrCoral
Line color of the last executed deal price (Last): clrSilver
Color of stop order levels (Stop Loss and Take Profit): clrOrangeRed
Displaying trade levels in the chart (levels of open positions, Stop Loss, Take Profit and pending orders): Yes
Permission to drag trading levels on a chart with a mouse: Yes
Showing the time scale on a chart: Yes
Showing the price scale on a chart: Yes
Showing the "One click trading" panel on a chart: No
Chart window is maximized: Yes
Chart window is minimized: No
The chart window is docked: Yes
The left coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen: 2028
The top coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen: 100
The right coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen: 2654
The bottom coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen: 329
The size of the zero bar indent from the right border in percents: 18.93
Chart fixed position from the left border in percent value: 0.00
Fixed  chart maximum: 1.21320
Fixed  chart minimum : 1.16950
Scale in points per bar: 1.00
Chart minimum: 1.16950
Chart maximum: 1.21320
Text of a comment in a chart: ""
The name of the Expert Advisor running on the chart: "TestDoEasyPart69"
The name of the script running on the chart: ""
Indicators in the main chart window:
- Indicator Fractals
Indicators in the chart window 1:
- Indicator DeM(14)
- Indicator AMA(14,2,30)
Symbol: "EURUSD"
============= End of the parameter list (Main chart window EURUSD H4) =============

A continuación, primero añadimos varios gráficos, y luego eliminamos los añadidos. El comentario sobre el gráfico mostrará los cambios en curso en el número de objetos de gráfico en la colección, el número de gráficos abiertos en el terminal y el valor de la diferencia al comparar el número de gráficos y objetos:

Autor: Artyom Trishkin