Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
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9+ years
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Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
My Strategy is so simple that it can not be Automated.... too bad for me :(
Amir Sadeghi
Amir Sadeghi 2015.05.19
Any strategy can be Automated.
Imtiaz Ahmed
Imtiaz Ahmed 2015.05.19
Francis you are doing great job with your signal .......
Matthew Todorovski
Matthew Todorovski 2015.05.20
It is so simply you don't need to automate it! :)

Complex strategies need automation because there are more steps or things that can go wrong. :)
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
How many times have you waken up without any motivation at all? How many times have you started working on something without being able to get focused and inspired? Next time this happens, take a look around you. Is your environment clean and well-organized? If not, take some minutes to clean it up and put everything into place. You will feel refreshed and reborn and productivity will spark immediately. But not only that, you will come across as caring and punctual, two highly esteemed traits. Why do think most of the big companies pay so much attention to creating the best working environment for their employees? They know what makes them happy and how it affects their productivity.
Francis Dogbe
Published post European Shares Up, ECB Not Stopping QE
Europe’s shares have risen on Friday after European Central Bank’s Chief, Mario Draghi, has stated that its quantitative easing policy would continue as long as it is needed, as Germany’s Dax 30 index up by 0.6 percent and France’s CAC 40 index ahead of 0.4 percent...
Francis Dogbe
Published post Greece's Debt On IMF, ECB Debt Payments To Be Pushed Back
Eurozone countries’ finance minister meeting with Greece on Brussels, last Monday, May 11, included the Greece’s unpaid debt...
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Deevog 2015.05.19
Even in smaller countries many companies pays to their late employee families and fill their children all education demands till universities. These companies sucks human mind like Microsoft and earned billions and paying 1000 is not a big reward. In Microsoft in middle east region a 13 years old boy working for them.
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
How true is this fact....? :)
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Sometimes you meet someone, and it’s so clear that the two of you, on some level belong together. As lovers, or as friends, or as family, or as something entirely different. You just work, whether you understand one another or you’re in love or you’re partners in crime. You meet these people throughout your life, out of nowhere, under the strangest circumstances, and they help you feel alive. I don’t know if that makes me believe in coincidence, or fate, or sheer blind luck, but it definitely makes me believe in something.”
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Comment to topic Traders Joking
Traders Joking
Aleksandr Doka
Aleksandr Doka 2015.05.17
Girls out of luck )))
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Simplicity is one of the most important factors in any business, specially trading. I emphasize on it a lot because your success has a direct relationship with the simplicity of the trading system you use.
Francis Dogbe
Published post What Causes A Currency Crisis?
By Brent Radcliffe AAA | Since the early 1990s, there have been many cases of currency investors who have been caught off guard, which lead to runs on currencies and capital flight. What makes currency investors and international financiers respond and act like this...
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Matthew Todorovski
Matthew Todorovski 2015.05.17
Eww-mans :P

I don't believe the evoluntionary information - there is no solid evidence for evolution.

But I like the rest :)

I'd rather believe this about the universe:
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Its getting boring here!!
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Its a crazy world.......
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
They say markets trend only 30% of the time, and they move sideways most of the time. So those who trade the trending markets, have to be patient and wait for a trend to form. Those who trade the sideways markets are luckier, because there are always more opportunities for them. Those who have a trading system that enables them to trade both of the trending and sideways markets, can be more profitable than the others.
Cagatay Tezsezen
Cagatay Tezsezen 2015.05.08
This is not a good advice Francis. Because, trending market and sideways market depends on your period understanding. For me, I have trends and sideways in the same day. For some one else, it may be trendy for the last 6 months.

The only advice is, if you are not sure about the result of what you are doing, then you are gambling.
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe 2015.05.08
@Cagatay: its just a finding i discovered. But i think you are right with the time-frame analysis
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Think you can

The world is changed by people who think they can. What do you think you can do?

Just thinking you can succeed does not make you successful. Yet if you don’t think you can, you won’t.

Decide that you can do it. Then set about to prove yourself right.

Many may doubt you, but you never have to focus on those doubts. Focus instead on your own confidence.

Think you can, and then act on that thought. You will make progress, and that is good.

Think you can, and push yourself to find a way. Think you can, and do what you think you can.
Matthew Todorovski
Matthew Todorovski 2015.05.06
Agreed 100%. I would add:
- Do whatever it takes to achieve your goal, to move you forward towards it. Complete a small step each day as you work towards your goal - "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and many small steps after that".
- Once you start, don't stop. Gain momentum, either by gaining knowledge, experience, contacts, resources, etc.
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe 2015.05.06
@Matthew: i like you addon
Francis Dogbe
Added topic Problem with Lines on the Chart
Hi I am having difficulty removing the verticals line on my chart. I appeared after loading my template on the chart. I tried removeing from 'Object List" on the platform but still the same. Its is really disturbing. Any help from anyone please
Francis Dogbe
Published post Royal baby girl born: If the princess makes £1 billion for the economy, what could we spend the money on?
The Duchess of Cambridge’s daughter will bring in more than £1 billion to the UK economy in her lifetime, according to experts – enough to pay for two hospitals...