
Error in the 'reports' module?

Hello everyone. I want to share this possible "mistake" and understand if I am misinterpreting the data or this is an error in the Platform The module reports does not show correctly the info related to equity As you can see, the Equity in the info is a $8.411,81 but the report in the line is

what is the calculation behind vector matrix::Average()

Hello, I am testing the functions with vectors and matrices a little and initially I have encountered this problem I don't know what the formula is behind the result that this function gives me. I thought it was a weighted average, but the result does not coincide except in 2 elements As an example

To use a handle when using iMA (or another tecnical indicator function) MQL5

Hello MQL5 members, I hope you are well. I have a very specific question When working with the functions of technical indicators such as iMA or iCCI, and some others, we can choose, according to the documentation, between APPLIED_PRICE or the handle of another indicator. Working with the

Insert Extern report to "report module" MT5

Hello everyone, I hope that all is going good I have a question: Is possible to use the "report" Module (a relatively new feature in MT5) to show the history report or history transactions of an extern account? ( for example, MT4 report) I was searching for the documentation or the report library

Differences between "Every Tick" and "Every tick based on real ticks"

hello hello everyone I am creating a synthetic symbol and I am doing a backtest on it, Everything is going well, but I realize that, even though this symbol is created entirely by my data, there are differences when I do a test, selecting " Every Tick " or "Every tick based on real ticks" in the

No prints and orders data in Not visual Backtest

Hello Everybody, i am seeing that, in the news versions of MT5, i can see the Basics "prints", and neither i can see the orders data info, (in not visual test ), in the Journal Tab i only can see it, when i use the Visual Mode maybe there is a option for allow that? Is a final characteristic? is a

Temporary files in optimization

Hello everyone, I am doing an optimization with a computer that has 56 cores. I have disabled the use of 16 of them, to have some cores available and not use all the processor Unfortunately, I am not able to start the optimization, since the MT5 stays "thinking" and does not advance Also, the 500GB

Problems with storage (repository) Sync

Hi everyone I have been using the repository service for a few days, both in MT4 and MT5. I have computer A and computer B, both connected with the same MQL5 account It happens that, for some reason I am only receiving the updates from the computer on side B to side A, For example, I create a new

MQL5 <--> Binance api

Hi everybody how are you? I hope it's ok I am, after a long time not doing it, trying to create a query to Binance's rest API, This query is simple, and doesn't need an apiKey or anything like that and it turns out that I always get a rejection or error from cloudfront For the connection I am using

resources backtesting MT4

Hello everyone I have a PC with very good resources, multi-core processor, but when I do a backtest, the time is usually the same as a test with a few cores. I have read that for backtesting, MT4 uses only one core. Is there a way to make MT4 use more than one core, and thus take advantage of