
Cosine distance and cosine similarity for MetaTrader 5

Calculate the cosine distance and similarity between 2 vectors . The cosine distance is 1-cosine_similarity and the cosine similarity is the dot product of two vectors by their magnitudes multiplied


Load once for math calcs in tester ?

Is there a way to load a data file once in the optimizer and not on every pass ? For math calcs mode . I'm loading a 1.6 gb file and it appears it's loading per pass. I'm using tester file property In other words i want to pull it up once (or however many agents there are locally) and optimize on it

does this mean my hard drive is dying ?

had the ide open for hours and when i returned to the code it had this alien inscriptions in it

tester error

Hi , i got this error in the tester Zero divide , check divider for zero to avoid this error in 'C:\Program Files\XM MT5\Tester\Agent-\MQL5\Experts\project_name.ex5' It would be really helpful to know which of the 30K lines the error is in

CALENDAR_TIMEMODE_TENTATIVE persists after the event occurs ?

the CALENDAR_TIMEMODE_TENTATIVE means that at any point in the day a news event may occur . When that happens (after the event occurs) , does the TIMEMODE member change to a date time (CALENDAR_TIMEMODE_DATETIME)? or does it stay as tentative and the time is also updated ? to simplify , should we

Does cloud network billing stop at 0 ?

If someone uses cloud agents , and say deposits 50$ to test the cloud , will usage stop at 0$ or will mq tell him you owe us 5 million dollors

Limited financial operations choices.

I know what lead to the limited financial operations , but its not from a top-up neither from a withdrawal . Its an issue i've already reported to admins and the desk . What do i select ? (i mean , the limitation is stemming from that general site wide issue)

[request]Privacy issue

Happy new year metaquotes admins You must correct this. When someone removes you from their list they pop up in your outgoing list of requests . This is a huge privacy issue . The user should be able to freely remove anyone from their network without the site snitching them to the other person

Copy array to matrix column

Is there a built in fast function ? heres what i'm doing so far double array[]={ 1.1 , 2.2 , 3.3 , 4.4 , 5.5 }; double array2[]={ 6.6 , 7.7 , 8.8 , 9.9 , 0.0 }; matrix M; vector copier; M.Init( 5 , 2 ); copier.Assign(array); M.Col(copier, 0 ); copier.Assign(array2); M.Col(copier, 1

Limit in covariance matrix library?

Is there a size limit on the covariance matrix library ? 948 features x 16000 samples Print ( "Starting eigenveck" ); matrix original; original.Init( ArraySize (samples), ArraySize (samples[ 0 ].features)); //fill for ( int i= 0 ;i<

Can services be sold ?

I don't see the choice in the new product screen