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Added topic Intraday Probability Bands.
Hello Is there any indicator to calculate automatically Intraday Probability Bands? The easy way is to draw manually every day and copy form DailyFX. It must be a more easy way
Added topic Dynamic Break Out
I´ve found the attached document on a web page. And was very interesting to read, specially when you see that the system was tested only on dailies. So, today in the mornig with a relaxed market I started to write the conversion from
Added topic Real Data Feed
Before I discovered MT, I have to use some other programs like, Trek or eSignal. MT has powerfull advantages against another. Is a trading platform and is studies platform. However MT has a problem, the data feed. There are some post of traders
Added topic FX Sniper´s Ergodic CCI Trigger
I´ve modified some indicator to show in the chart window the signals provided by FX_Sniper´s_Ergodic_CCI_Trigger. Up and Down arrows are showed in the candle when the trigger line crosses the ErgodicCCI. Donwload both indicators in the same
Added topic All USD pairs
Display major currencies average movement in one chart. Excellent to plot with dollar index and compare correlations and/or strenght. Russian language but options are very simple. However, a traslation would be great. The picture do not show the name
Added topic 1-2-3 pattern
Added topic Another Demark Trendline Trader
A little different from other version. If some gentle programmer can translate to english from russian, would be excelent. And then if someone request i will do to spanish
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