Below you'll find a short snippet of the high-quality content in our exclusive customer group chat ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I told you guys the first 3 days of the week are most of the time the most important to focus...
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20 May 2020, 11:43
Today I'd like to share 4 trade examples from today's EUR trades. Two setups are working and two don't, or at least not yet. Let's start with EURJPY What a wonderful breakout to the downside perfectly confirmed by our strength and volume analysis...
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6 May 2020, 11:14
After a long time of sit and wait the volume came back and provides us some good trade setups on the majors. So let's have a closer look chart by chart...
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3 April 2020, 11:26
In times like this where we have to deal with home office, homeschooling, childcare, and challenging markets at the same time I'm more than grateful and really thrilled about the awesome support and cooperative spirit in our wonderful trading chat group...
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1 April 2020, 16:00
Today I'd like to talk about a correlation that is absolutely essential when it comes to trading Forex successfully. Let's start with a trade example we've spotted this morning on AUDCAD As you can see it's been the perfect setup...
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31 March 2020, 12:37
Today we found a special situation on the USDJPY chart USDJPY is attacking this resistance zone three times during the NY session of the last three days. Today this move starts during the London session which increases the probability of a breakout...
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25 March 2020, 09:31
Comeback of the AUD FX Volume unleashed that the AUD long ratio rose by 10% during the past 24 hours So let's have a look at the corresponding majors...
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24 March 2020, 08:51
The USD remains in the lead The market conditions are still unchanged and yesterday's announced measures of the US government helps to stabilize the US economy which, of course, leads to a strong USD...
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18 March 2020, 14:32
During the last hours we've seen a sharp rise in the USD strength which is confirmed by the underlying trading volume as well and in FX Trend we can see that most of the majors provide a clear trend setup...
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17 March 2020, 11:03
Today we spotted a great setup on GBPCHF FX Trend is absolutely clear in it's trend diagnoses FX Power is showing a sharp rise of the CHF...
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16 March 2020, 10:34