help unable to download mt4 or mt5


Hi as you have most probably guessed i'm a newbie and most probably will stay one if i can't get the down load to work ! has anyone had the problem in that once the download starts to install in windows 10 it frezzes the computer no matter what i do although i can get it to down load to the same computer when i run windows 7. i have tried copying the files from a data stick and changing the file compatability to windows 7 and running in administration mode but no sucess, any thoughts or help would be apreciated



I am not on Windows 10 sorry ... and I think - no one reported here about this issue on the forum (if I missed something so sorry).
You can look at this small thread to find some decision or 'same issue fixing' etc.
Sergey Golubev:
I am not on Windows 10 sorry ... and I think - no one reported here about this issue on the forum (if I missed something so sorry).
You can look at this small thread to find some decision or 'same issue fixing' etc.

There was someone else who was having similar issues few days back.

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MT5 intallation on a new windows 10 computer won't work
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