Experts: Base64 Encode Decode


Base64 Encode Decode:

Simple way to encode and decode using Base64.

Author: Agus Mufaizin


Example for EA protection :



Hello Agus,

For what I can use Base Encode-decode 64?  What's  doing this EA.

Best regards,



You can use it to encrypt date expired or account number.

Agus Mufaizin:

You can use it to encrypt date expired or account number.

Hi Agus,

Can you please write out an example of the simple code to encrypt date expired like you did for text in the code?

Best regards

Agus Mufaizin:

You can use it to encrypt date expired or account number.

Hi Agus,

Can you please write out an example of the simple code to encrypt date expired like you did for text in the code?

Best regards


Hi Agus

thank you for your work.

Is it possible to add the 'key' that will make the encode and decode different  between time to time? I want to apply for ea usage protection.


Nice work, but

I wouldn´t use base64 alone for authorizing things as it is simplest do decode them and see what you are writing in clear.
It makes more sense to use two or even more step security for the things you want to do (like expiring by Date). Just think about adding AES or SHA as example !

For Metatrader there are nearly Algo´s available for everything ...

And I think the Expert is only to show the Algo. Not for a live usage.


Do not use this library.

There is standard functionality for this:

 int h = FileOpen("/screenshot/"+filename, FILE_BIN|FILE_READ);
 FileReadArray(h, binarray);

 ArrayInitialize(key, 0x00);
 if(CryptEncode(CRYPT_BASE64, binarray, key, base64array) == 0)
   Print("Error encoding = ", GetLastError());

YOUR BASE64 String > CharArrayToString(base64array);