copyright on the signals - page 2



My best advice is again to only sell the EA as a "closed" software, and through a contract that prevent the uses you dont want by the buyer. Then you will apply the regular Civil Law about contracts, and avoid  (not necessarally, if you want) copyright law, which application is not (at least in my humble point of view) clear here.


It's exactly what I meant. When I said "copyright" meant that the organizers should provide some protection mechanisms that limit the use of EA on the part of buyers.

Assuming this does not already exist.

I think MetaQuotes should check only if you are looking to sell the signal is the author of the EA. It should not be complicated being recorded impose the seller in writing of EA seguendente the line: # property copyright "vendor name". Problem solved.

A good sugestion then for the signal service is that Expert Advisors should broadcast in a separate handler like OnSignal, that if not implemented then the EA is not able to broadcast signals or else if implemented then the EA is able to broadcast and to apply some filtering.

But if a user has possesion of a 3rd party EA, even if it's a closed source one, then he would still be able to replicate the signals by means of deals performed.

Maybe i should leave a note on the service desk.

Signals don't currently work that way. The signal is generated by a monitored account not an EA. Any trades on that account are the signal. No way for the service to even tell if the trades are coming from an EA or not let alone which EA.

Regarding only to the trading signals, I see them more as a service than a work that could be protected by copyright. Nevertheless, the seller of the "closed" system (the EA) may impose a clause that forbids the buyer to sell the signals generated by the system sold. However, such clause is never easy to enforce...

Hi Icarus, sorry disagree, but in my opinion a trading signal is not just a service, but an original content as any other with an author and a work that must be protected by copyright, as are books and musics.

I agree figurelli. Weather forecast provider A cannot use the forecast of provider B either, no?
I agree figurelli. Weather forecast provider A cannot use the forecast of provider B either, no?
Hi Candles, sorry, I'm not sure what you mean, can you rephrase please?
Hi Candles, sorry, I'm not sure what you mean, can you rephrase please?

Simply put I consider copying of trade signals similar action than is the copying of weather forecasts. Both are obviously protected from copying.


Simply put I consider copying of trade signals similar action than is the copying of weather forecasts. Both are obviously protected from copying.

Indeed, now I get it, thanks.