Speeding up Metatrader?? Multi threading soon??

Hey Guys at Metaquotes

You have a fantastic piece of software in MT4 but when it comes to optimizing speed I'm sorry, it's archaic.
I am running a brand new top end commercial Dell with 4 Xeon dual core CPU's but despite the advances in multi-threading technology because MT4 does not support multi-thread, I may as well have one CPU.
I have built some monster EA's that take a fair bit of optimizing time and MT4 is dreadfully slow, any ideas whether you will be making adjustments to support new hardware?

Back in the dark ages otherwise.

Client terminal is multithreading application
Client Terminal?

Where do i download that from?

You mean the 'standard' MT4 platform? If so, It IS NOT multi thread supported.
Data pumping works on its own separate thread
Each script and EA works on its own separate thread.
There are 3 threads for trading operations - manual trading, automate trailing stops and automate trading (from scripts and EAs)
Testing works on its own separate thread. And so on.

These threads are separated from the interface thread. We create threads automatically and they are sheduled by operating system.
Hi Slawa,

I think what they're meaning is multi-threading the actual genetic optimisation side of things. For instance, I've developed a genetic optimiser that splits chromosomes in any number of "populations" that are then optimised independently of each other within different threads. These populations are then bought back together every x number of iterations and the best chromosomes swapped between the different populations. The whole process is then started again...
Optimization running in one thread. We plan to use more threads for simultaneously running of optimization passes
Data pumping works on its own separate thread
Each script and EA works on its own separate thread.
There are 3 threads for trading operations - manual trading, automate trailing stops and automate trading (from scripts and EAs)
Testing works on its own separate thread. And so on.

These threads are separated from the interface thread. We create threads automatically and they are sheduled by operating system.

For data pumping are you referring to the indicator calculations?

I have a similar problem running 25+ charts with indicators. I am looking to get a new computer but am not able to decide as the multithreading question isn't clear. If I get a quad core and run 3 different instances of MT4 on it with 9 charts versus 1 instance with 27 charts, will the system perform better?

Slawa :
Client terminal is multithreading application

During back testing I get only 1 core of my quad core processor been properly used with total CPU usage not toping 27-28%, Ram usage is almost constantly increasing till reaching 80% of the 4gb and blocking the same amount of ram been used after test is done, it goes down when MetaTrader is closed as program.

Not very high tech. Kinda agree with OP and the dark ages. How am I supposed to justify the need of a 4*quad core machine?


Did not read Slawa comment on multi treading optimizations and backtesting. But since you said it's planed to happen at some point you might consider some even more high tech things like Multi PC work, like 3d farms in CGI (Maya has such powers at least).