Develop - page 2

Fernando Carreiro #:

You will end up buying up multiple products before you are even know if the author is willing to work on the project. That is not good business sense.

Dialogue and negotiation goes way better when both sides are on equal footing.

Diplomacy . You can't know the "state" of the counterpart before you approach them with your wants and needs so you meet some of their's initially , ones that are evident without you having to bother them to relay them to you . (for instance you see a woman in a bar you buy her a balloon etc)

Additionally positive reviews -unsolicited positive reviews- are so rare that it will be double the diplomacy 😇 however if overdone it can come across as cheesy or threatening .

Fernando Carreiro #:

The quality of "developer" you get, will only be as high as the level of quality you exhibit as the "customer".

Speaking for myself ... I am looking for a developer because I can't do it myself

With hindsight (wonderful thing) I wish I had spent my monies learning how to write code rather than have wasted it on freelancers

Fernando Carreiro #:
By seeking elsewhere!

Do you have any data to suggest that MQL freelancers are better qualified elsewhere than here? What prevents an unqualified developer from registering an account elsewhere and charging a high price?

Fernando Carreiro #:
Alternatively, clearly state your "developer" requirements in the Freelance job requests

What might these requirements be?

Vladislav Boyko #:

What might these requirements be?

Doesn't seem to matter what requirements you stipulate ... always seem to end up with chancers ... “can't judge a book by its cover” comes to mind

If only you could read their feedbacks BEFORE purchase

Robert Jenkins #:

Doesn't seem to matter what requirements you stipulate ... always seem to end up with chancers ... “can't judge a book by its cover” comes to mind

If only you could read their feedbacks BEFORE purchase

Personally, I can't think of a single requirement that would be effective in weeding out more qualified developers from less qualified ones.

I think that in the process of communication one can draw some conclusions about a person’s professionalism. In my opinion, this is one of the best indicators. Perhaps even the best.

Remember that there are always risks in everything. If the project budget is quite large for you, divide the task into parts. Let the developer do some small part first. After the developer completes the first part, if you are satisfied with everything, order the next part as a separate order. If you do not want to continue working with this developer after completing the first part, it is better to order the same first part again. Most likely, it will be easier for a new developer to develop this from scratch than to make changes to someone else's code.

Robert Jenkins #:
If only you could read their feedbacks BEFORE purchase

Based on your topic, it sounds like you've already had a bad experience with hiring a freelancer here.

Go to the profile of the developers with whom you had a bad experience and read the reviews. Then think about whether the reviews would have helped you if you had seen them right away?


Upto now I have been going with the freelancer that in my opinion showed the most interest in my project ... Maybe I should go with the quiet one ... "Reverse Trade"

The reason I started this thread ... I think I am hiring a Developer but end up with a Coder who doesn't even know the meaning of the word "Develop"

IMO the "Freelance" tab needs subdividing into Developers and Coders with more stricter vetting for the Developers

As it currently is MQL5 will get its 10% whatever happens EVEN if after arbitration the freelancer is found to be at fault

Just a suggestion ... at the start of the job the "freelancer" should also put 10% in escrow ... refundable if the job is accepted or arbitration goes in their favour

Vladislav Boyko #:

Then think about whether the reviews would have helped you if you had seen them right away?

In 8 out of 10 I would NOT of hired them ... based on their feedback

Sadly the majority of clients don't tell it like it is ... fearing for negative feedback from the "freelancer"

With all my jobs to date I have only been satisfied with 1% ... who sadly for whatever reason are no longer available

Robert Jenkins #:
As it currently is MQL5 will get its 10% whatever happens EVEN if after arbitration the freelancer is found to be at fault

In my opinion, the freelance service was created by MQ to popularize the platform and develop the community. I don't think they created this to earn commission. I don't think freelance service commission is an important part of MQ's income. But I admit that I may be wrong. I don't have any MQ income data😄

Vladislav Boyko #:

In my opinion, the freelance service was created by MQ to popularize the platform and develop the community. I don't think they created this to earn commission. I don't think freelance service commission is an important part of MQ's income. But I admit that I may be wrong. I don't have any MQ income data😄

Granted MQL5 must have admin costs and is "possibly" non profit making from the service ... what is wrong is that it is ALWAYS the client that pays ... EVEN if they don't get a good service ... EVEN if the product is useless

All a "Coder" will ever lose is their time

All I am saying is that IF the freelancer stood to make a financial loss they MIGHT put more effort in