Do you really expect an answer? There are no mind readers here and our crystal balls are cracked.
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way. (2004)
Be precise and informative about your problemWe can't see your broken code.
Always post all relevant code (using Code button) or attach the source file.
All you posted was your class definition.
- What do you mean different timeFrames? A chart only has one. All objects are on the one chart.
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way. (2004)
Be precise and informative about your problem
Hello friends
Does anyone know why when I create several different objects with different timeFrames the CFirstPullBack class, if the condition of one of the objects is met with the Strategy() function, the SetPrice() function is called for the rest of the objects and sets the _OHLC structure for all of them!! !
If you can, please help me, because I did everything I knew and didn't get any results.
thank you
void SetPrice();
- You can add this function to the base class.
- The derived class objects you can add in an array. The array can be defined as static member in the base class or can be in global scope.
- When condition is met, iterate over the objects and call SetPrice for all of them.
- www.mql5.com
CCondition is defined with different times and the IsThreeSoldier method comments the correct value with different times.
The same method is used in CFirstPullBack::Strategy(void).
As you can see, in the CFirstPullBack constructor, a time framrs is set to the inherited CCondition(period).
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| AlgoTest.mq4 | //| Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Software Corp. | //| https://www.mql5.com | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Software Corp." #property link "https://www.mql5.com" #property version "1.00" #property strict #include <Order.mqh> #include <Strategy.mqh> #include <Condition.mqh> #include <MyLib.mqh> //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| global object section | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CCondition M1(PERIOD_M1); CCondition M5(PERIOD_M5); CCondition M15(PERIOD_M15); CCondition M30(PERIOD_M30); CCondition H1(PERIOD_H1); CCondition H4(PERIOD_H4); CCondition D1(PERIOD_D1); CCondition W1(PERIOD_W1); CCondition MN1(PERIOD_MN1); //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| strategy section | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CFirstPullBack FirstPullBack_M1(PERIOD_M1, 111111); CFirstPullBack FirstPullBack_M5(PERIOD_M5, 111555); CFirstPullBack FirstPullBack_M15(PERIOD_M15, 151515); //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| managment & setting order section | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ COrder MNG_FirstPullBack_M1(PERIOD_M1, FirstPullBack_M1); COrder MNG_FirstPullBack_M5(PERIOD_M1, FirstPullBack_M5); COrder MNG_FirstPullBack_M15(PERIOD_M1, FirstPullBack_M15); //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int OnInit() { //--- create timer EventSetTimer(60); return(INIT_SUCCEEDED); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert deinitialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnDeinit(const int reason) { //--- destroy timer EventKillTimer(); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert tick function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnTick() { Comment("FirstPullBack_M1 ", MNG_FirstPullBack_M1.Call(FirstPullBack_M1), "\n", //It just calls the CFirstPullBack::Factory(void) method "FirstPullBack_M5 ", MNG_FirstPullBack_M5.Call(FirstPullBack_M5), "\n", //It just calls the CFirstPullBack::Factory(void) method "FirstPullBack_M15 ", MNG_FirstPullBack_M15.Call(FirstPullBack_M15), "\n", "\n", "FirstPullBack_M1 ", M1.IsThreeSoldier(0.2), "\n", //CCondition For test "FirstPullBack_M5 ", M5.IsThreeSoldier(0.2), "\n", //CCondition For Test "FirstPullBack_M15 ", M15.IsThreeSoldier(0.2)); //CCondition } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Timer function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnTimer() { //--- } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| ChartEvent function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnChartEvent(const int id, const long &lparam, const double &dparam, const string &sparam) { //--- } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Do you really expect an answer? There are no mind readers here and our crystal balls are cracked.
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way. (2004)
Be precise and informative about your problemWe can't see your broken code.
Always post all relevant code (using Code button) or attach the source file.
All you posted was your class definition.
- What do you mean different timeFrames? A chart only has one. All objects are on the one chart.
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way. (2004)
Be precise and informative about your problem
- You can add this function to the base class.
- The derived class objects you can add in an array. The array can be defined as static member in the base class or can be in global scope.
- When condition is met, iterate over the objects and call SetPrice for all of them.
Check the documentation for static members https://www.mql5.com/en/docs/basis/oop/staticmembers
Or use _OHLC as global variable
Or pass the _OHLC as pointer to the objects where you want to use it.
- www.mql5.com
Hello friends
Does anyone know why when I create several different objects with different timeFrames the CFirstPullBack class, if the condition of one of the objects is met with the Strategy() function, the SetPrice() function is called for the rest of the objects and sets the _OHLC structure for all of them!! !
If you can, please help me, because I did everything I knew and didn't get any results.
thank you
Struct OHLC
CLS BASE Calculation --> Basic candlestick patterns
CLS CONDITION --> IsThreeSoldier()
CLS STRATEGY --> Price production platform with specific conditions
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Strategy.mqh | //| Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Software Corp. | //| https://www.mql5.com | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Software Corp." #property link "https://www.mql5.com" #property version "1.00" #property strict #include <Condition.mqh> //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Abstract Class For Design Strategy | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CStrategy : public CCondition { private: public: virtual double Factory() { return 0; } virtual datetime GetTime() { return 0; } virtual int GetMajick() { return 0; } }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| CFirstPullBack | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CFirstPullBack : public CStrategy { private: COHLC _OHLC; double _price; datetime _time; int _period; int _majicknumber; bool Strategy(void); public: CFirstPullBack(int, int); void SetPrice(); double GetPrice(void) { return _price; } //--- Abs func double Factory(void); datetime GetTime(void) { return _time; } int GetMajick(void) { return _majicknumber; } }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Cunstractor | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ CFirstPullBack::CFirstPullBack(int period, int majicknumber):_period(period), _majicknumber(majicknumber) { CCondition(period); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Avoid duplicate pricing | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CFirstPullBack::SetPrice() { _OHLC.Set(_period); //--- if NEW price then set if(_OHLC.time!=_time) { _time = _OHLC.time; _price = _OHLC.open; } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Definition of strategy Conditions | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool CFirstPullBack::Strategy(void) { //--- Definition if(IsThreeSoldier(0.2)) return true; //--- return false; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| check strategy Condition & call for setting price | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double CFirstPullBack::Factory(void) { //--- strategy check if(Strategy()) SetPrice(); //--- return GetPrice(); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| BaseCalc.mqh | //| Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Software Corp. | //| https://www.mql5.com | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Software Corp." #property link "https://www.mql5.com" #property version "1.00" #property strict #include "OHLC.mqh" //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CBaseCalc { private: int _period; public: CBaseCalc(int period):_period(period) {} CBaseCalc(){} double BodyPrc(int); bool IsFullbody(int, double); int Direction(int); //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return Body Percentage Of Range in Decimal Number | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double CBaseCalc::BodyPrc(int shift=NULL) { //--- if is Base return 0 if(Direction()==0) return 0; //--- COHLC OHLC; //--- if(shift!=NULL) OHLC.Set(_period, shift); else OHLC.Set(_period); return OHLC.body/OHLC.range; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return True if Body PRC More Than Given minbodyprc = %60 | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool CBaseCalc::IsFullbody(int shift=1, double minbodyprc=0.6) { if(BodyPrc(shift)>=minbodyprc) return true; else return false; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Return Direction By Close Point | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int CBaseCalc::Direction(int shift=NULL) { COHLC OHLC; //--- if(shift!=NULL) OHLC.Set(_period, shift); else OHLC.Set(_period); //--- if(OHLC.open<OHLC.close) return 1; if(OHLC.open>OHLC.close) return -1; //--- return 0; }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Condition.mqh | //| Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Software Corp. | //| https://www.mql5.com | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Software Corp." #property link "https://www.mql5.com" #property version "1.00" #property strict #include <BaseCalc.mqh> //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CCondition : public CBaseCalc { private: int _period; public: CCondition(int period):CBaseCalc(period), _period(period) {} CCondition() {}; bool IsThreeSoldier(double, int); }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Three consecutive FullBody Bars in Same Direction | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool CCondition::IsThreeSoldier(double minbd=0.5, int shift=1) { int direct=(Direction(shift)+Direction(shift+1)+Direction(shift+2)); //--- Check diredtion consecutive bars if(direct==3||direct==-3) { //---Checked IsFullBody if(IsFullbody(shift, minbd)&&IsFullbody(shift+1, minbd)&&IsFullbody(shift+2, minbd)) return true; } //--- return false; }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| OHLC.mqh | //| Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Software Corp. | //| https://www.mql5.com | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Software Corp." #property link "https://www.mql5.com" #property version "1.00" #property strict struct COHLC { private: void _Init(int , int ); public: int timeframe; int shift; double open; double high; double low; double close; datetime time; double range; double body; void Set(int , int Shift=1); }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void COHLC::Set(int period, int Shift=1) { _Init(period, Shift); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void COHLC::_Init(int period, int Shift) { timeframe = period; shift = Shift; open = iOpen(NULL, period, shift); high = iHigh(NULL, period, shift); low = iLow(NULL, period, shift); close = iClose(NULL, period, shift); time = iTime(NULL, period ,shift); range = high - low; body = MathAbs(open - close); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Can you share all the code that is necessary for testing. Maybe your IsThreeSoldier method is broken and returns true all the time.
Struct OHLC
CLS BASE Calculation --> Basic candlestick patterns
CLS CONDITION --> IsThreeSoldier()
CLS STRATEGY --> Price production platform with specific conditions
Why did you (re)declare _period in each subclass? This way the baseclass variable is not initialized with the correct timeframe. If you create FirstPullBack instances with different timeframes the IsThreeSoldier is still checked on each with _period=0, so all of them will be true at the same time. That's why they called SetPrice simultaneously.
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Hello friends
Does anyone know why when I create several different objects with different timeFrames the CFirstPullBack class, if the condition of one of the objects is met with the Strategy() function, the SetPrice() function is called for the rest of the objects and sets the _OHLC structure for all of them!! !
If you can, please help me, because I did everything I knew and didn't get any results.
thank you