Please help: C# DLL

Is it possible to call from MetaTrader EA to external dll library written in .NET (C#)?
Is there any example for passing arrays and other parameters to that external DLL?
What about passing arrays by reference to C# dll?
I have not done it yet, but have you seen the #import command? I think there are samples there.

Yes, I'm familiar with #import.
I used it to #import library built by MQ4, but not to import library written in C#.
C and C++ DLLs (unmanaged code) can be accessed by MetaTrader, but not sure C# DLL (managed code) can be used directly.
Any reply from MetaTrader's tech team will be appreciated.

It is imposible to call .NET dll's functions from unmanaged code.
There is only one way: writing wrapper dll using managed C++, where you can mix managed and unmanaged code.
It is imposible to call .NET dll's functions from unmanaged code.
There is only one way: writing wrapper dll using managed C++, where you can mix managed and unmanaged code.

Thanks George, I guess I'll have to do it the way you suggested above.