class baseclass_name

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class baseclass_name
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
When I try to make a class the puplic: stops at _ underscore. Se in picture.
Dan Højgaard:
When I try to make a class the puplic: stops at _ underscore. Se in picture.

The constructor and destructor must have the same name as the class


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Lorentzos Roussos #:

The constructor and destructor must have the same name as the class

That is the problem. When I write class baseclass_name the constructor/destructor stops at baseclass.

In the video he just write it and the  constructor/destructor follow with and beyond the underscore. 

Dan Højgaard #: That is the problem. When I write class baseclass_name the constructor/destructor stops at baseclass.In the video he just write it and the  constructor/destructor follow with and beyond the underscore. 

Then type out the rest! That is what the keyboard is for.

class baseclass_name {
Dan Højgaard #:

That is the problem. When I write class baseclass_name the constructor/destructor stops at baseclass.

In the video he just write it and the  constructor/destructor follow with and beyond the underscore. 

Thank you for details

class snippet will be fixed

UPD: fixed
Dan Højgaard #:

That is the problem. When I write class baseclass_name the constructor/destructor stops at baseclass.

In the video he just write it and the  constructor/destructor follow with and beyond the underscore. 

There is a shortcut to automatically fill in the class basics if i recall correctly . 

And sometimes , if you mean while typing , the ide will lag behind expecially on big projects .