MQL Calendar - Event Id parameter


Hi everyone,

I am currently coding an EA around news trading.

My aim is to trade around given news such as the US GDP values annoucement for example.

To do so, I check the calendar and compare the event IDs of the day with the ones I stored in an array.

However, my problem is not on the code itself but on the event IDs. 

I collected the event IDs of the events I wanted to trade but it looks like they are changing over time.

In Janurary, I had an event ID of 840020006 for the US GDP news and in Frebruary the event ID was 840080001.

I am confused because I tought I could use the event IDs to have unique identifiers of the economic event.

Is there another way to have a unique identifier of the news ? The aim would be to have one number that identifies every US GDP QoQ events.

Should I use another parameter and is it even possible ?

Thanks for your help and time, I hope I was explicit enough. If not, don't hesitate to react and I will explain in more details.

Have a great day traders.

2023.01.10 17:00 USD 1 Wholesale Inventories m/m (wholesale-inventories), United States (US) | 1.0% | 1.0% | 1.0% |  Q4
2023.01.26 15:30 USD 1 Wholesale Inventories m/m (wholesale-inventories), United States (US) | 0.1% | 1.0% | 1.0% | 0.9% Q4
2023.02.08 17:00 USD 1 Wholesale Inventories m/m (wholesale-inventories), United States (US) | 0.1% | 0.1% | 0.1% |  Q4
2023.02.28 15:30 USD 1 Wholesale Inventories m/m (wholesale-inventories), United States (US) |  | 0.5% | 0.1% |  Q1

2023.01.26 15:30 USD 1 Chicago Fed National Activity Index (chicago-fed-national-activity-index), United States (US) | -0.49 | 0.04 | -0.51 |  Dec
2023.01.26 15:30 USD 1 Chicago Fed National Activity Index (chicago-fed-national-activity-index), United States (US) | -0.51 | -0.01 | -0.05 | 0 Nov
2023.02.23 15:30 USD 1 Chicago Fed National Activity Index (chicago-fed-national-activity-index), United States (US) |  | 0.03 | -0.49 |  Jan
fxsaber #:

What code did you use to show it that way ?

Because maybe I am getting the wrond index every time then. Because when I print it on the console I don't have the news name.

I just thought that they would appear in the same order as the one of the calendar

Antoine.Bizzarri #:

What code did you use to show it that way ?

#property script_show_inputs

#include <fxsaber\Calendar\Calendar.mqh> //

input ulong inEventID = 840020006;
input datetime inFrom = D'2023.01.01';
input datetime inTo = D'2023.04.01';

void OnStart()
  CALENDAR Calendar;
  Calendar.FilterByTime(inFrom, inTo);
fxsaber #:

Thanks for sharing and helping !

Hello everyone at the MQL5 Community, I have an issue. I am trying to build a News EA that trades the news. I have called the events by country id and the resulting events array contains id, event id, time amongst others. I am mostly interested in the news release time but it is always displaying array[0] if the time has past, I want it to filter and display upcoming event based on current time. I have tried a few approaches but I have not been successful.Your input will be highly appreciated. I have attached my code and also attached a screenshot of the journal outputs.
 //US Code
   string us_code="US";

  //--- get all US event values
   MqlCalendarValue values[];
   //--- set the boundaries of the interval we take the events from
   datetime date_from=StringToTime(today);// take all events from today
   datetime date_to=0;                // 0 means all known events, including the ones that have not occurred yet
   //--- request US event history since today
   if(!CalendarValueHistory(values, date_from, date_to, us_code))
      PrintFormat("Error! Failed to get events for country_code=%s", us_code);
      PrintFormat("Error code: %d", GetLastError());
      PrintFormat("Received event values for country_code=%s: %d",
                  us_code, ArraySize(values));
//--- reduce the size of the array for output to the Journal
      ArrayResize(values, 5);
//--- output event values to the Journal as they are, without checking or converting to actual values
   Print("Output calendar values as they are");
   int total=ArraySize(values);
   ArrayResize(values, total);
//--- copy the values with checks and adjustments
   for(int i=0; i<total; i++)

   Print("The third method to get calendar values - without checks");
   //Get upcoming event id
   int event_id = values[0].event_id;
   //Get upcoming event time
   datetime comingTime = values[0].time;
Journal.png  27 kb