Working with previous Optimization Results (exploring *.opt files, etc)


I have been able to automate and schedule my back testing.   The problem is working with the previous results.    The \cache\*.opt files are a challenge at best and do not correspond to in a meaningful way outside of the optimization type, date and instrument.   Has anyone come across a good method of working with your previous results?    I've tried:

  1. Figuring out how to read the *.opt files to get a better idea of which back test they are associated with.... No luck
  2. Figuring out a way to connect directly to the MT5 database that has all of the historical back test data..... No luck

My back testing involves EAs which I don't have access to source materials with, so I can't change their code base. 

My end goal here is to:   Run a Genetic Optimization.   Evaluate the results.  Run a more specific optimization.... narrowing it down until I run a single pass and save the set file for that pass.   

Чтение/Запись opt-файлов оптимизационных кешей MT5-тестера
Thanks fxsaber -- would you or anyone else have any examples I could reference?   Not everything translates cleanly here.   
Joseph Raleigh #:
Thanks fxsaber -- would you or anyone else have any examples I could reference?   Not everything translates cleanly here.   

Most often, examples are based on solving some specific simple problems. They are formulated in the corresponding threads of the library discussions.