How do you identify a trend - page 3

Lorentzos Roussos #: Isn't this chart a randomizer inside a broker's server essentially ? Correct me if i'm wrong of course 

Correct — a pseudo-randomiser weighted by customer's trades.

Again, the worst choice as an example of trend identification!

Fernando Carreiro #:

Correct — a pseudo-randomiser weighted by customer's trades.

Again, the worst choice as an example of trend identification!

Thats worse than binary options

I Think it's all the same technology with different digital display values. Sometimes you have to buy earlier and sometimes you have to buy later, it's a random technique that I think can only fix the lags with a constant level line. HFT trading is blocked here because of the fast order set. It's sluggish and raw, and we can't be a part of the prize no matter how hard you try, it's also a win but minimalist. We also need to trade the leverage. ^^ Nobody knows where the trend will go and we can only identify a trend when it's already over, so why not be there right away and draw a line beforehand that will then be reached.