MT5 incredibly slow on Windows Server 2019

I am renting two dedicated servers from the same host.

The lower spec machine is: Xeon E3-1220 with 16GB RAM. The OS is Windows Server 2016 Standard.
The higher spec machine is: Dual Intel Xeon E5-2670 with 64GB RAM. The OS is Windows Server 2019 Standard.

On the lower spec machine, MT5 runs flawlessly.
However, on the higher spec machine it is incredibly slow. 
If I click on a button to change timeframe, if I add an indicator, if I just try to open a menu, everything takes time.
And even worse is the Meta Editor, which I use all the time since I am an MQL programmer. If I rapidly write a few characters they will appear one by one, and I have to wait until the word is finished. If I right a keyword, it takes time for the dropdown to populate. Scrolling horizontally or vertically is very slow. It feels like I am connected with an old modem. However, it’s only in MT5 it is like this. Not in other applications.

The host support have logged on several times to investigate, but they just say the computer is running normally. And for everything else, it is. The CPU is usually around 15% and RAM is usually at 15-30 percent. 

Does anyone recognise this issue?
Could it be that MT5 has a problem with Windows 2019?
Does anyone have any ideas what could be done to improve it?

I had experienced a similar issue with Microsoft Office Applications. The only solution was to recreate the users profile.

I don't know if this applies in this case.
I do not have this problem sorry.
I am using Windows 10 64-bit computer and MT5 is very fast for everything.
Besides, MT5 is very fast on Windows Server 2012 standard with 64-bit too (with all Windows updated installed).

So, I have no idea about why MT5 is slow acting on Windows 2019 (is it 64-bit computer, right? all updated were installed?).
Dominik Christian Egert #:
I had experienced a similar issue with Microsoft Office Applications. The only solution was to recreate the users profile.

I don't know if this applies in this case.

Do you mean the windows user account?

Gosta Hulden #:

Do you mean the windows user account?


Gosta Hulden:
on the higher spec machine it is incredibly slow.
Check HDD.
fxsaber: Discussion
fxsaber: Discussion
Произошла какая-то нештатная ситуация на сервере, где работают Терминалы. Ночью вышла перезагрузка без каких-либо логов. При заходе через RDP все жутко тормозит: запуск программ, рисование GUI. Нагрузка CPU нулевая. Проверил через SuperPI - отлично. А вот с HDD - беда (см. скрин). Что в таких случаях делать? С такими параметрами Терминалы не могут работать.