How to copy a structure passed by address to a function?


I have this situation:

double findStuff(double target, TMyStruct &left, TMyStruct &right, TMyStruct &_solution, double err=0.0000001) {
   TMyStruct cleft, cright;
   cleft = left; 
   cright = right;

 But it doesn't work,

I get nasty values from functions to which I pass structure members like:

lineEquation(cleft.d, val1, cright.d, val2, target);


After 2 days of searching for bugs, I don't know how to copy left and right structures, to cleft and cright respectively. 

Anyone help?


After some testing,

It seem that copying like this works,

The problem appears when I pass cleft.d and cright.d members to lineEquation function => there's the problem or bug 


If I copy cleft.d and cright.d to some double variables, and I pass these variables to lineEquation function => works flawlessly.

The nasty results appear only when I pass cleft.d and cright.d to lineEquation directly. 

Compiler issue?


Firstly, you should know about copying of simple structures  -

If it won't help please write to Servicedesk.

Documentation on MQL5: Language Basics / Data Types / Typecasting
Language Basics / Data Types / Typecasting - Documentation on MQL5

Firstly, you should know about copying of simple structures  -

If it won't help please write to Servicedesk.

Here is the structure:


struct TMyStruct {

   double d;

   double p[15][6];

   double tabel[15][15];


 From what I understand, this is a simple structure, and theoretically should not have a problem when copy it to a variable of the same structure.

I saw that I can print cleft.d and cright.d, and everything is fine.

The problem appears when I pass cleft.d and cright.d to lineEquation function.

The best way would be to reproduce this problem in a simple case, to prove the bug. 


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I tried to duplicate the problem,

I kept the same everything I could,

But in the test script, it works fine.

I've made 2 screenshots, with the results in my real script, and with the results in test script.

I've put some explanations in comments

I drop this issue for now, as I have a temporary solution that it works (using 2 more variables as I explained above).

I've attached the archive with all 5 files. 

Files:  15 kb