Setting member variables in MQL5


Hello everybody,

I'm new in Mql5 and have a question about setting member variables. I want to do something like this:

#include <.../ABC.mqh>

class XYZ
   ABC *test;
   XYZ(ABC *test_new);

XYZ::XYZ(ABC *test_new)
   test = test_new;

The problem is that when I try to compile it seems that I only can use references as function arguments. Why can I only use pointers and not just objects as member variables?



Documentation on MQL5: Checkup / Point
Documentation on MQL5: Checkup / Point
Checkup / Point - Documentation on MQL5
As far as I know, MQL5 doesn't offer work with pointers at all.

There definitely are pointers ;)

Does anybody know how to deal with setting member variables of another class included from another mqh file by constructors or other methods?

Ok, I probably didn't describe my problem good enough. But fortunately I got it. This helped a lot:
MQL5 should permit circular class dependency
MQL5 should permit circular class dependency
I must admit it takes a lot of time to me to avoid circular class dependency when designing classes structure.