Off quote


I am using demo account (broker: PMEX), I am countinously getting message "OFF quate" in any trade and commudity?

Can Anyone guide me to resolve it?

Muhammad Ahmed: I am using demo account (broker: PMEX), I am countinously getting message "OFF quate" in any trade and commudity? Can Anyone guide me to resolve it?

There is nothing to resolve. It is you as a trader, that must learn about certain basic trading concepts so that you will understand about them and trade accordingly.

  • A Buy (or long) trade will open at the Ask price, but close at the Bid price.
  • A Sell (or short) trade will open as the Bid price, but close at the Ask price.

When using a broker or account type with "Market execution policy", then orders are always taken at the current market price, so off quotes or re-quotes should never happen. When using "Instant execution policy", however, the orders with opening price that deviate from the current market prices beyond the slippage/deviation setting will be considered off-quotes and require a re-quote of the order.

Thats the problem. Beside  "Market execution policy" It is still showing off quate messages.
Muhammad Ahmed #: Thats the problem. Beside  "Market execution policy" It is still showing off quate messages.

If you don't use the correct opening price, you will not be able to place the order.

Show a screenshot of what you are doing and the type of order you are placing, at what price and what the current market prices are.

Have a look at attached files.
Muhammad Ahmed #: Have a look at attached files.

OK, so its "Exchange execution policy", with "Return" fill mode. Unfortunately, I don't have any experience with that type of execution policy or fill mode.

So, you will have to wait and see if someone else with experience in that kind of market can offer you assistance.

All I can do for now, is provide some links to the respective documentation, should that help in some way:

It is you as a trader, that must learn about certain basic trading concepts" So that quate was rude but I am happy u understood the problem. 
Muhammad Ahmed #: It is you as a trader, that must learn about certain basic trading concepts" So that quate was rude but I am happy u understood the problem. 

It was not meant as rude, but as an explanation. And it still holds true, even after having found out that it is "Exchange execution policy", with "Return".

I don't trade such symbols, so I am under no obligation to learn the basics of that market. But you are trading that market and should learn the basics for it.

So again, I am not being rude, but I am stating that it is not an error to resolve but a lack of understanding by the trader.

Please see my next post! I was wrong!


After some research, it seems I owe you an apology. It seems that "Off Quotes" message in the trade panel may indeed be an error and not a lack of trader knowledge. I do humbly apologise for having been arrogant about it.

After what I have read, it seems that the message "Off Quotes" may be due to a temporary loss of communication, and after looking at your screenshots again, it seems that it is indeed the case.

In your screenshots, I can see that the network icon in the bottom right, is different and my indicate loss of connection when the "Off Quotes" appears.

I am not absolutely sure about this, so please confirm if it is indeed network problems and if so, you should see if the network problem is on your side, your ISP or on the broker side.

EDIT: By the way, from your screenshot it also seems you are using an old build of MetaTrader 5. What build are you using?


Thanks for your reply. I am using  version 5 build  2361. 

From the seraches from other resources about Off quate error, it surely seems like a connection issue. But I am using other apps without interuption. So there is a problem. 

Muhammad Ahmed #: Thanks for your reply. I am using  version 5 build  2361. From the seraches from other resources about Off quate error, it surely seems like a connection issue. But I am using other apps without interuption. So there is a problem. 
You seem to be using a 32bit version (build 2361) of MetaTrader 5 which is no longer supported and has been discontinued.