Metatrader known bugs ... - page 3


Some errors with back-testing reported so far (on metaquotes site too)

I also have some problems with back test but am not sure if it is a result of this build or of some of the previous ones since I did not use back test from the beginning of the history for quite some time and that is when the error shows. Also, some back test optimization errors have been reported ...

Other than that the rest seems OK so far



Some antiviruses are going to report a Gen:Heur.Zygug.4 virus in metatrader 4 build 438

As far as developers of metatrader are telling it is a false alarm so do not be alarmed with a message like that


Metarader 5 bug ...

A bug of metatrader 5.

While fooling with this indicator accidentally wrote clrOink instead of clrPink in colors (like on the example picture)

and to my surprise it compiled and worked like this

In short, if you have a multi color filling or line or anything multi color, you can write whatever you want for the second and the rest of colors : compiler will not check. It will compile it the same as if it was perfect. Attaching the wrong code here too


One more of metatrader 5 :

If you open multiple files for editing and change a couple of them, when you compile any all are saved without even asking you if you wish to save them. Be careful because you might end up with a code that you do not remember how it got in that state. This is probably the stupidest bug I have seen in code editors and compilers. A "five start bug"



They have 2 options in the menu : "Compile" and "Compile open files" and both work the same - they save all before compiling without asking you. So, if you have a half finished code or a code that you changed it in any way in a editing window other than current, it will be saved without you being asked if is that what you want or not (even if with compile button it is written the"compiles the currently open file, F7"). Very dangerous in a normal work ...

One more of metatrader 5 : If you open multiple files for editing and change a couple of them, when you compile any all are saved without even asking you if you wish to save them. Be careful because you might end up with a code that you do not remember how it got in that state. This is probably the stupidest bug I have seen in code editors and compilers. A "five start bug"

The problem is that after all this time (more than 3 years) metatrader 5 is still having bugs that should be allowed in the beta version let alone in a "normal" version


Some unconfirmed information say that there is already a build 439 of metatrader 4 (could not verify this information, so not 100% sure)


If it is true, it would be a kind of record

Some unconfirmed information say that there is already a build 439 of metatrader 4 (could not verify this information, so not 100% sure)
There will be an even newer version : build 438 (the version I am currently using is build 432). Here is the description of the future build 438 (if they don't change the build number in the mean time)


The update for MetaTrader 4 client terminal is to be released soon. Preliminary build version is 438. The following changes are planned in the new build:

  1. Terminal: Fixed trade history request by "Custom period" time range.
  2. Terminal: Fixed Push messages having invalid MetaQuotes ID.
  3. Terminal: Fixed possible incorrect display of company data in About window.
  4. Terminal: Fixed translation of the interface into Mongolian, Czech and Turkish.
  5. Terminal: Fixed support for fixed demo account balance.
  6. Tester: Improved file cache operation during optimization.
  7. MetaEditor: Fixed working with clipboard.
  8. MetaEditor: Fixed memory leaks.
  9. Fixed errors reported on the forum and in crash logs.
The update will be available through the LiveUpdate system.

Dear mladen

I guess that my problems with some indicators (see Multitime frames

indicators posts #4149 and #4150) are due to MT4 built 438.

Before,(432 and 434)the same indicators worked properly.

Can you tell me how I can go back to build 432 or434????

Thank you very much for your time

Best regards





I am using it on build 438 too. See the example :

Maybe the build you have is a broker specific and that is why you are experiencing problems

As of previous version : I have a build 432 too but can not upload it here (because of the size) so here is this link to terminal.exe build 432 terminal build 432 . Try it out, maybe it helps

Dear mladen

I guess that my problems with some indicators (see Multitime frames

indicators posts #4149 and #4150) are due to MT4 built 438.

Before,(432 and 434)the same indicators worked properly.

Can you tell me how I can go back to build 432 or434????

Thank you very much for your time

Best regards
