Scripts: Delete all objects of the selected type


Delete all objects of the selected type:

Script is created after idea from the comment on the script "Delete all objects on all charts". Request was to enable deleting only specified object types from the charts.

This script has list of all object types that can be created in the v765, and each object type deleting can be turned on or off.

Author: Drazen Penic


This script is extension to the "Delete all objects on all charts" script.

Difference is that in this script you can select what types of objects you want to delete from the charts. 

Thanks for article and script, I had been wondering why  "ObjectsDeleteAll( 0, 0, OBJ_ARROW_PRICE_RIGHT);" wasn't working as I had expected, I hope the documentation can be updated to include all these nuances (omissions),  else it just keeps us on our toes.
Thanks for article and script, I had been wondering why  "ObjectsDeleteAll( 0, 0, OBJ_ARROW_PRICE_RIGHT);" wasn't working as I had expected, I hope the documentation can be updated to include all these nuances (omissions),  else it just keeps us on our toes.

You should submit a request to the Service Desk. 

Possibly, they'll do something if enough users complain. 


Thanks bud. This is really useful

Do you have one for MT5 also?

Perfect.  Thanks for your efforts.

Good Job.

Can you help because i am not a coder, I just want clear all objects except Text and Text label On 1 Chart
How can I modif it.

Thanks in advanced