From theory to practice. Part 2 - page 143

Олег avtomat:

Give the doctor a book for self-education


Say something of substance, for once.
Andrei Trukhanovich:

I'd like to hear something like "40% apy with scalability up to $5M".

Where I worked, there was no crypto trading at all, with fund money. Individual employees keep bitcoin in their personal portfolio. What do they do in some other organizations I don't know.$5M - it's about personal savings, funds work at least an order of magnitude with larger capitals, the expected profitability +- on average twice the annual volatility of the asset, for crypto it's normal to expect 50-100% at certain times, given such a wild risk.

But honestly, investors are very conservative about funds, they won't give you much money if you actively trade crypto (especially shields) or other marginal assets.

Andrei Trukhanovich:

crypto is a separate site where you can do a huge amount of things, includingrisk free.

the same kefir is individually more capitalised than paypal.

About the"risk-free" thing, that's just for the time being, until the "Native", you have to imagine the mechanism of how the price of "stabelcoins" stabilises and why a lot of those"risk-free assets" will go to zero when their creators decide that this crap bought them lambo and palace, which happens when the crypto market goes from bull to panic bear and the stabbies' glass is suddenly empty. It's all fun, but closer to the topic of scams than algo trading of sane assets that have something other than hype underneath them :)


As far as"risk-free" is concerned, until a "native", you have to imagine the mechanism of how the price of "stabelcoins" stabilizes and why many such"risk-free assets" will go to zero when their creators decide that this crap was bought for their lambo and palace, which happens when the crypto market goes from bullish to panic bearish and the stack of stables suddenly goes empty. It's all cool, but closer to the topic of scams than algo-trading in sane assets which have something else underneath besides hype :)

But to be fair, all stableroys behaved properly during the so-called "crypto-zima", with the exception of the usdt spike due to the borrowing story.

Andrei Trukhanovich:

But to be fair, all stablkoyn have behaved properly during the crypto-zima, with the exception of the short-term usdt spike due to the borrowing story.

In fact, the fate of usdt is in hands of Finik, while Finik prospered usdt is equal to quid, it would not be so dangerous to get usdt quickly, but if we imagine to put some considerable amount in "freezer", like offshore, "for rainy day", it would be a little worried about usdt, even for some years, they already changed from bitcoin to kefir, how many of last version coins will be supported still don't know. Well, the usdt is relatively old and interconnected with the reputation of a multibillion-dollar business, not without a fight if it goes bust, but other stalwarts are already countless, the space for scam is endless. It is important to understand that there is no real promising business under 99% of all these crypto-projects, the bubble will burst loudly and painfully for many.


any market, no matter what, develops in cycles, bubbles if you like. no doubt the bubble will deflate, almost certainly due to the fault of either the banana or the dates. my bet is on the banana - they have gone off the deep end.

but that doesn't mean the whole ecosystem will collapse, it doesn't mean you can't make money, it doesn't mean things won't go much higher after a while.

Everyone talks about the dot-com bubble, but no one mentions the fact that the current capitalization of what is left of it is many times (an order of magnitude?) greater than the capitalization of that bubble.


Some respected traders have begun to complain that something important has been lost from the beginning and middle of the thread.

I wish it had not been lost in the constant arguments....

However, if we summarise the intermediate results of the debate, it turns out that not many interesting things were discussed, namely:

1. There is no money to be made on the SB. Accepted "as is" without discussion, for this only introduces unnecessary drama in the search for Truth.

2. It is necessary to look for differences between the market range and the SB and to make money on these differences. A false message to act. No one in their right mind attempts to make money from the non-stationarity of the process as the main difference.

Anything else? What might have been missed of value that could and should be discussed?

Asymmetry in the distribution of increments, whether on ticks or on moves of tens of spreads. Actually, Alexander, it's on its basis that you catch entry points into the market. Remember, were you surprised by the value of 3 instants?

От теории к практике
От теории к практике
  • 2019.08.06
Добрый вечер, уважаемые трейдеры! Решил было на какое-то время покинуть форум, и сразу как-то скучно стало:)))) А просто читать, увы - неинтересно...
From which theory to which practice?
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
From which theory to which practice?

Tell me Yusuf, what is the secret behind the resounding success of the PNB method?

Andrei Trukhanovich:

any market, no matter what, develops in cycles, bubbles if you like. no doubt the bubble will deflate, almost certainly due to the fault of either the banana or the dates. my bet is on the banana - they have gone off the deep end.

but that doesn't mean the whole ecosystem will collapse, it doesn't mean you can't make money, it doesn't mean things won't go much higher after a while.

Everyone is talking about the dot-com bubble, but no one mentions the fact that the current capitalization of what is left of it is many times greater than that bubble.

All markets bubble is a fact, it is normal and it is probably an intractable side effect of the market economy itself, or maybe not even a side effect, but an important motivational systemic mechanism to attract investment in innovation.

However, what is great about the market is that it heats up rather quickly about something "hype", but it also cools down even faster, if this hype gets strongly blown, and the stock exchanges get flooded with legions of fraudulent companies with this hype, which have done nothing but brand and promises so far. So it was with dotcoms, less dramatically it was recently with companies dealing with "artificial intelligence", more specifically with banal machine learning, all "smart", "AI", "AGI" ,etc. are selling like hotcakes. Fintech, payment systems are on fire now too. But these HYIPs I would call "positive" long term, they will grow in long term too, like neo-dotcoms if you look decades ahead, because it's good for society, it's progress.

Crypto, on the other hand, is a bit different. If you go back in history, there are many examples of this mainly in "troubled times" when every enterprising "bourgeois" could engage in senorizing their mucalatura and this always led to confusion and negative economic consequences for society. Of course there are theoretically many positives, but the negatives are many more. The issue of money and securities should be strictly controlled by the state, as well as the courts and the army, weapons production and a number of other institutions and spheres of production, the privatization of which would disrupt the stability of the state and lead to anarchy.

Anonymous decentralised crypto will soon be dealt with as terrorism, which is essentially economic terrorism.


Anonymous decentralised crypto will soon be dealt with like terrorism, in fact it is economic terrorism.

I can wish the states success in this hopeless and pointless endeavour :)))


Money and should be completely anonymous.
