Looking for patterns - page 248

Aleksey Nikolayev:

In my opinion, any multifractality (there is no pure fractality in nature) singled out by our mind in nature can be described by an appropriate formal grammar. Otherwise, we simply do not see it. It is similar to how any natural crystal corresponds to some group of symmetries.

In practical applications, the problem, as always, is that the dimensionality of the parameter space of the original model is too large. This obviously leads to overfitting.

The similarity at different scales can be different, and consequently the consequences are not identical either.

We can describe a series on different scales with the same language. But the conclusions must be different.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

I think this man is from SmartLab?

Saw similar triangles on the chart there.



YUY, re-login)

no - so in Butterflies there is a Graality - at least the algorithm is simple - when the price crosses and rolls back from a level - it is exactly the way to the next level


these are the inputs on these levels

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Similarity at different scales can be differently causal, and consequently the effects are not identical either.

We can describe a series on different scales in the same language. But the conclusions should be different.

Actually, the term "multifractality" is used as a characteristic of objects with different fractal structure depending on scale, place or time.

Formal grammars are quite applicable to describe multifractality.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

In fact, the term 'multifractality' is used as a characterisation of objects with different fractal structure depending on scale, place or time.

To describe multifractality formal grammars are quite applicable.

It remains to define the type and formalize the grammars. Judging from their description, the type is context-dependent.


these are the inputs to these levels

are the same as your personal layout. It's the same, only in the banned one it's more complicated.

Сергей Таболин:
I do not know about patterns in trade, but personalities are clearly visible here...

KGM22 may be an unrecognised genius, but I think geniuses should be treated with leniency. When nature endows a man with talent, it often deprives him of something else. It has been noted that talented people are often intolerant of common people and like to emphasize their superiority over them. And sometimes they descend into banal boorishness. If the first can still be tolerated,the second is unacceptable.

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Valeriy Yastremskiy:

It remains to define the type and formalise the grammars. Judging by their description, the type is context-dependent.

I used a formalization of the Mandelbrot method where each price movement at each step is replaced with a polyline of three movements - the first movement, correction and the second one.

If you formally define the type of grammar you get something like L-system stochastic, parametric and context-dependent.