The Sultonov system indicator - page 112

Vladimir Baskakov:
Yes, Yusuf, you're getting a little carried away.

What was I "messing with"?

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

What did I "patarapi" with?

Concluding that your index is unreliable
Vladimir Baskakov:
With conclusions on the non-parity of your index

Until we get some results in the real world, I do not intend to draw any conclusions. If I have deviated from this principle during discussions, then they should be considered premature and unacceptable.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Until we get some results in real life, I do not intend to draw any conclusions. If I have departed from this principle during discussions, then they should be considered premature and unacceptable.

And the work of N. Semko you probably did not notice?
Vladimir Baskakov:
And the work of N. Semko you probably did not notice?

It was explained to you, it's a different story. It's like, "I'm looking for this, I don't know what!"

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

It was explained to you, it's a different story. It's like, "I'm looking for this, I don't know what!"

No, this is exactly the kind of opera that proves the incompetence of your ts.
Vladimir Baskakov:
No, this is exactly the opera that clearly confirms the incompetence of your TS.

Then, follow Semko's advice and prophecies, I am not imposing any TC on you.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Then, follow Semko's recommendations and prophecies, I am not imposing any TC on you.

Well let me decide for myself ;) Have a good day.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Oleg, the very process of making and solving the SLAE involves finding the best solution to the problem by finding a linear relationship between the variables and the target function using the method of least squares. It is believed that this is already the best way of setting and solving the problem. Vagueness is putting it mildly. In the case where there is no dependence between the variables and the target function, then, this "misalignment" takes on the value of the target function itself! That's the power and meaning of this "misalignment" to you. But, when, with obviousness, there is a definite dependence, then, the definition of "unrelatedness" most accurately defines the meaning of the free term.

The method of least squares has a very large oscillation. This is why it is not coarse. And it is not optimal. This is well known.

To solve your problem, Yusuf, the most suitable methods are gradient methods.

Олег avtomat:

The method of least squares has a very high oscillation. That is why it is not coarse. And it is not optimal. This is well known.

To solve your problem, Yusuf, the most suitable methods are gradient methods.

Please describe the gradient methods briefly or cite the sources most fully disclosing the essence of the method.
